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    hi english. i will start my protocol and i just want to share with you. what should I change? I mean add or remove? whats your recommandations
    will do water fast for 3 days before taking supplements then ill do diet while taking supplements
    ill go to gym 4 times a week
    cold showers
    early sleep and waking up early
    try not to think about 'one pill propecia ruined my life' and reduce my non-stop extreme anxiety

    (ill take all supplements in vegan capsules /500 mg capsules i guess/ )
    monday: pine pollen, vitamin D, Fish Oil
    tuesday:tribulus terretitis, calcium-mg-zn complex pill, vitamin D
    wednesday: Tongkat ali, fish oil
    thursday: L-arginine, calcium-mg-zn complex pill, vitamin D
    friday: royal jelly, rhodiola extract, vitamin D, fish oil
    saturday: tongkat ali ,ant extract, horny goat weed
    sunday: just fish oil
  2. Jeypp, you're right, many people take fin and for them it creates the wrong hormone balance resulting in the symptoms, and the vast majority of people are chilled out enough to carry on with their lives confident that things will improve, and so it does within a few weeks. The rest of us shit ouselves and start reading horror stories, and this my friend is indeed PTSD mixed in with a nervous breakdown, all of which makes the already shitty hormone balance much worse, leaving you anxiety ridden etc.
    You have to be constantly as calm as possible for as long as possible, and think of other things more and more and more, adding an extra minute of calmness every day. You have to face who you are and be content with your temporary symptoms, happy in the knowledge that they will pass and this adds to the calmness, eventually, your system gets calmer and hormone balance improves. PTSD is entirely curable, i had it myself, stop reading horror stories and start living normally.
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    hi English. I cant believe how i make myself sick from nothing.. bcs i also dont believe pfs. what i believe is this is ptsd. bcs i just lost my libido after one pill of propecia in 40 min. if i didnt read horror stories and panic in this 40 min i would have been ok. thats what i believe. but the problem is i think being stuck in anhedonia and my 0 libido every each second without relief. in my dreams i feel good and ok but as soon as i wake up im very anxious and i feel adrenaline rushes and my heart starting pumping adrenaline or cortisol whatever. my hair shedding like crazy and i dont believe its hormonel imbalance about dht. glucocorticoids ruining everything i believe (kinda cortisol). so what should i do to get rid of anhedonia? do you think this is ptsd? i dont feel any emotions but fear. did u experience being emotionless?
    when i google ptsd it says not cureable and lifelong illness. so am i stuck with depression anhedonia and ptsd forever?
  4. Jeypp, for fucks sake, read my posts and that of CDSNUTS. There's a comprehensive herb rotation thread on here under the supplements section and everything else i did i outlined here and on PH under the same screen name. I tested infertile a way back because my sperm were fucked. I can literally feel them kicking now so they're definitely fine again, i also had a child. There's no need to overanalyse, just accept that you're in a bad place now in general, move on and do all the things you should be doing and recover mentally. You won't recover in 6 months either i guarrantee that. From the place you are obviously in mentally, and i can tell from your writing, it will take you at least a year to 2 years, even if you do everything right. It takes time, alot of it to recover from a mental/nervous breakdown.
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    thank you very much for the answer. i will recover in 6 months i know! i just need you to tell me how to boost my T its now 300's. what products should i use. Btw u said i tested infertile. was the problem with sperm count or morphology?
  6. Jeypp that crossed my mind about others who posted they had recovered, and there was a time when i was telling myself and the world that i was 70% recovered when looking back i realised i wasn't, but i guess that was part of the mindset i created to keep moving forwards. No, i'm fine now, in fact in many areas i am better than ever. Not sexually better as honestly i couldn't be better than pre fin as i had a libido like a bull and have simply returned to that. I'm not mad at you Jeypp but i won't reply to this kind of comment anymore as you need to look to yourself, find the belief in you etc. It's natural to be positive for a while and then negative again, but you have to work to lengthen the positive days and minimise the negative, and eventually you don't have any negative days anymore, but it takes alot of work. Like i say, read our posts. It's not an overnight recovery for most, it takes years for most so don't be hard on yourself.
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    since im totally experiencing the symptoms with u i want to ask this. dont get me wrong i don't want to be rude or something. are u trying to put urself in positive mindframe with saying im cured while ur having some symptoms right now? . i mean do u have minor symptoms but are u saying to urself that "im totally cured" and maybe ur not cured but u trying to feel positive with saying that? pls dont get me wrong. sometimes im saying to myself i don't have any symptoms anymore to feel better. then i feel better for a few days but i go negative mindset again.. i cant break this. i don't wanna lie to myself anymore
  8. I don't use Prohormones Jeypp, just read my posts on here and on PH, also read CDSNUTS and the other recovery stories, also read about Chi. Yes i was that weak too, the pill made your hormone profile bad, gave you symptoms, but then you failed to act calmly and spiralled into a nervous breakdown, that's all that's happened. You need to calm down and follow the recovery plan. You will definitely recover if you control your mind and follow the plan. Just get on with it and stop reminding yourself of your illness by writing this stuff to me. Just live your life, gradually you get stronger and better in every way.
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    1 i got prohormones. should i use it x5 a week? just for a month?
    2 i started gym 1 week ago. i dont have strength bcs of this anxiety for example if i hold a bag for 30 sec my shoulders start hurting i dont feel any strength i feel like ive ALS. Is this normal and did u experience this?
    3 can u tell me the names of what u used. how should i cycle them
    4 ive anxiety creeps if this thought comes to my mind "u wont feel happy and horny again bcs of that pill" randomly through the day. sometimes this feeling comes instantly when i wake up.
    5 my t level is 320 now it's so low what else should i do to increase it? very very cold showers?
    6 btw my sperm is very reduced after ejeculation. did you have this too? what should i do to increase it.
    u wont hear me until july. but after july ill return as a recovered person.
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    a therapist said its in my mind too. did you ever heard about dhat syndrome? for indians sperm is life liquid in their culture if someone starts losing them, that belief says that person gonna die. some young people saw that they have very reduced sperm after masturbation(which is normal if its not all the time ) and after that they they start to think"omg ive very little sperm wtf. my life is over. "right away boom.they have all exact pfs syndrome symptoms . most of the sufferers with this syndrome lives in rurals. brain have definitely some anxiety issues with this losing masculinity stuff. i wrote this because you are %100 right these are all mental. and ive no doubts. now i need your help about how should i proeceed? i mean the specific
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