So after reading all the info and advice I decided not to listen and buy some DNP. I ran 2 cycles of it at low doses to assess my tolerance and side effects. I had a blood test done for my health...
Type: Posts; User: derekh83
So after reading all the info and advice I decided not to listen and buy some DNP. I ran 2 cycles of it at low doses to assess my tolerance and side effects. I had a blood test done for my health...
I was lifting really heavy at the time so that is possible. I have read that other people have experienced carpal tunnel syndrome while using MK but that is a common side effect of using GH and that...
Dragoninho - What brand are you using? I wonder if some are better then others. I feel great the first week of MK but go down hill fast after that. It is almost like it makes my joints weak or...
SoCal are you going to be stocking any Supernova? Im interested to see what this can really do.
Eviscerate: SUPERNOVA Full Retail Evolutionary Muse
If this is your first time using Wes' stuff go easy on them. They pack a punch, for me anyway. You won't be disappointed!
That would be great!
I looked but didn't find anything... I was trying to think of some way of copying info that I might want in the future... Sad to see it go.
I hope this is not true but it appears to be. This was sent from DAT to all members.
I want to thank everyone for all of the wonderful interaction I've had with you over the years. I wish there...
What are you seeing so far?
When are you starting?
What was your dosing like? Any change in diet? With all supps I like to do the lowest dose possible to see results.
So I have been watch the EnhancedAthlete youtube channel. Very entertaining and interesting stuff on DNP. Are their any DNP users out there?
I never was interested in trying it because Im...
That is correct. I hate doing daily shots so I left out the ghrp and ipam. CJC w Dac divided into 2 shots for 500mcg a week. Huperzine A 200mcg a day divided into a morning and night dose. EGCG...
So since my last post I have tried MK677 again followed up with CJC W/DAC after a couple weeks off. Hands down CJC W/DAC. I can't take MK677 more that 2 days a week and at only 10mg on those days. ...
Baiba! Thank you what you sent me already but I can always use more! Lol love that stuff. 1/2 a tsp before a workout and Im sweating buckets!
DAMN! Just saw this!
I do the 4 main body groups (chest back shoulders legs) and build everything round them. I like to lift heavy but the older I get the longer my body and nervous system takes to recover. So weight...
Interested in what you think of the RAD140.
I have some epiandro powder and salvo that i bought from Rob a while back and never used. I will be throwing it into my cycle to see how much better...
Nice. I have done intermittent fasting before with good success but never played around with it. Will be following along to see how it treats you.
I can't take 20mg in the morning. It makes me groggy and lethargic. 10mg in the morning or 10mg the morning and 10mg at night work for me. I sleep like a rock if I take it before bed. I can tell I...
Do you spilt dose it or take all at once, also how much daily did you take?
Nice to see some of the old members back around here. I am interested in your 2 days of light eating and 5 of bulk eating. How long has that been successful for you? I think I might try it. I am...
Freaking awesome! You guys doing a presale? It was part of my best cut ever.
"In the patient of this case report, treatment with oxandrolone added to exercise improves neuromuscular function, likely as a consequence of reinnervation of the muscle, as evidenced by...
Oh hell yeah!!!