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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Turbo6GN's Avatar
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    Have a look, advice & suggestions pls.

    I will be starting a derm/stano/triumphalis cycle this week and I'd like a bit of advice regarding a PCT and overall thoughts on the layout of the cycle. As you know there is a lack of info out there due to this being a "newer" compound so I thought I'd ask for some advice. My goal is some nice lean mass and a bit of hardening (thus the stano). I'm not big on judging a cycle by the number on the scale, more how I feel and look. Diet will be high protein with moderate/smart fats and low carb, probably the odd re-feed day to gas up the engine. Calories will be above maintenance but not a bulking protocol by any means.

    Some quick info: I'm soon to be 39 and have experience with Tbol, original SUS 500, AH, AM, Derm and Alpha mass by FRL. I have never run a SERM post cycle and have always recovered OK (with bloods to prove). I think I'm going to run a SERM this time however just to help speed up recovery. Overall it'll look like this:

    Derm: Week 1-6, alternating between 5 pumps-2pumps for 5 days then 2 day rest.
    LGI Stano: Week 1-6, 800mg, 800mg, 800mg, 800mg, 800mg, 1000mg (possibly)
    Triumphalis: Week 2-6, 30mg, 45mg, 45mg, 45mg, 60mg (possibly, see how I feel)
    Cycle supports: CoQ10, Aegis, Talos, Vit D and C. May throw is some saw palmetto.

    Possible PCT (open to suggestions)
    Torem: 4 weeks post cycle, 60mg, 40mg, 40mg, 20mg.
    Erase, the usual taper down protocol
    Con cret

    That's prety much it, I have a "less is more" approach as you can see, nothing very fancy. I monitor my BP EOD while on cycle and have been training steadily for 20 years, I have a good feel for my body/mind and lift heavy and with a purpose. If there is enough interest I may move over to the log section and provide my experience with the Triumphalis so others may judge. If the Iron Legion guys have anything to add I'd welcome their comments.

    Thanks bro's!!
    Last edited by Turbo6GN; 07-21-2013 at 09:26 PM.

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