Hey guys, I'm new to taking PH's. I know it since it hit the market years ago but never really tried it. It just was to new for me and always kept away from Steroids. Well I'm older and finally want to give it a try. I made this decision and thought well and long about it, and I wanna go through with it, if I get some advice on the whole cycle.

So I'm 31 my T levels are okay but slowly decreasing oh joy of aging. I'm 6'5 and currently at 175 pounds with 10% bf. I'm looking for a somewhat dry mass gain cycle that lets me keep my gains, and doesn't just bloat me up with water. I read some good things about Epistane but am unsure if that's what i should go with. Hence I'm asking for support to create a cycle that will produce results but doesn't ruin me. PCT and Cycle support suggestions I'm open to anything nothing is set in stone yet. I also want to log it with pictures and weekly or even daily updates and see what happens. As a former Personal trainer and nutritionist this really interests me and i can't wait to see what actually happens during the cycle period and after.

I hope someone wants to back me up in this quest and help me to reach a new goal.