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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Stryker's life log

    hi this is my first post. my name is alex. i am 28. this is my life log. I am not sure how often i post but will post if there is any significant progress. i have been an on and off lifter for a decade. around november i suffered from an adverse drug reaction and experienced a crazy hormonal and mental crash as a result. nothing has been the same since. its time to pick up the pieces and get back in the iron game. At my peak 2 years ago I DL 405, Squat 335, Bench 170 at 5'8.5'' 165. I am nowhere near that now and will start off with some light exercise.

    for those interested, initial blood works below taken in november. i am currently on clomid 25 mwf for the past 3 weeks and will be taking new bloods in a couple of weeks. i am not sure what is the long term plan with clomid as i already have preexisting vision issues.

    11-1-14 BW

    TSH 0.545 (0.450-4.5)
    T4, Free(Direct) 1.5 (0.82-1.77)

    Lipid Panel
    TC 219 HIGH (100-199)
    TG 84 (0-149)
    HDL 78 (>39)
    VLDL 17 (5-40)
    LDL 124 HIGH (0-99)

    Serum Test 239 LOW (348-1197)
    Free Test 5.7 LOW (9.3-26.5)

    LH 1.2 LOW (1.7-8.6)
    FSH 3 (1.5-12.4)

    DHT 31 (30-85)
    3A Androstanediol-G 206 (112-1046)

    DHEA-Sulfate 371.2 (138.5-475.2)

    Cortisol 13.6 (2.3-19.4)

    Prolactin 3.5 LOW (4-15.2)

    Estradiol 9 (7.6-42.6)

    Androstenedione 45 (44-186)

    Prostate Specific Ag 0.5 (0-4)

    IFG-1 191 (98-282)

    Vit D 15.2 LOW (30-100)

    Insulin 5.3 (2.6-24.9)

    Ferritin, Serum 371 (30-400)

    Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum 1.9 LOW (2-4.4)

    SHBG, Serum 40 (16.5-55.9)

    11-31-14 BW

    Free T3 2.8 (2-4.4)
    Free T4 1.35 (0.82-1.77)
    TSH 2.5 (0.450-4.5)

    Vit D 23.7 (30-100) LOW

    E2 13.7 (7.6-42.6)

    Prolactin 4.6 (4-15.2)

    FSH 3.3 (1.5-12.4)
    LH 2.1 (1.7-8.6)

    Serum Test 338 (348-1197) LOW
    Free Test 10.5 (9.3-26.5)
    Last edited by strykers12; 02-22-2015 at 05:04 PM.

  2. #2
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    Hi Strykers,
    I am personally not a fan of you being on clomid, because your LH is low and your T is also low, which mirrors my opening blood panels. This IMO is a secondary hypogonadal issue brought about by high stress - You have basically shit yourself and continue to do so and this will always result in bloods that look like that.
    Clomid will almost certainly bring your T to 500 or 600 but it will also raise E and SHBG which will likely give you no physical benefit from the higher T numbers, with the slight exception of working your leydig cells a bit. In fact one half of clomid mimmicks Estrogen which most ensures the effects mentioned.

    When you come off it, your system will very likely return to previously low numbers.

    I salute you for being in the ring swinging, but i would say the start for you should be about calming your mind. Your thyroid looks good (to me) and your cortisol looks good so already you are many steps ahead of many of the guys who burn those out with stress etc.
    Your vit D is way too low and you need to start taking a good D3 supplement daily - also get out in the sun, as often as you can as very low vit D will almost always equate to low T.

    You have already told me you are about to undertake the regimen of CDSNUTS - great, but don't start fasting yet as you are not ready. Both CD and i fairly recently started listening to Holosync from Centrepoint (google it)
    I strongly suggest you start on that, and also read mind over medicine by Lisa Rankin, who explains the stress response and how to bring about the relaxation response, which will repair you and allow positive hormones to circulate. The important thing about that book is the fact that she evidences the result of the relaxation response in hundreds of people - many her own patients (she is an MD) so you finish the book in no doubt as to the efficacy of it, and if you haven't realised this yet, much of what is needed to recover is in the mind + Time.
    You need to start there IMO.
    Then your T will start to rise and so will E - when your E is a little high (which it will be), you will then start the process of reducing it by natural means or by use of an AI - this will lower E, which raises T (by manipulating the negative feedback loop - but in a far healthier way than clomid) the extra androgen and lower E will drop SHBG, which will free up loads more T.
    You will then feel loads better, but not recovered, as there is some weird receptor or signallying issue going on as well that nobody yet understands, however the situation improves gradually over time until fully recovered.
    That is the future.
    For now, you need to get your mind sorted, which will take months of holosync, deep breathing, mantras and commitment and belief, and alongside it, i advise that you take the supplements outlined in CD's thread, exercise when you can, and get out in the sun, also walk alot and listen to music when you do to calm your mind.
    Finally, do ensure you post on here, and we will chat with you, tell us how you are getting on. You can't do this shit alone.
    Oh, and change your password on PH to one you'll never remember, get the fuck off that board and never return, other than to post your recovery post.
    Hopefully someone better than me on hormones will check out your bloods and comment etc. however i am pretty sure about the bits i have commented on as i have had to manipulate all of those things myself.
    Take it easy.

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    I sound like an ass for saying this but I won't be returning to post a recovery. I fucking hate those guys. Welcome Styker, I have to say this else i'll be worrying all day but this isn't and never will be a propecia forum, lose the victim mentality and anything else you learned there fast, treat the guys here with respect and you'll definitely start to feel better quickly, listen to your body, keep an open mind and try to put this behind you. It does get better.

    You're on the right track by getting away from there anyway, just do us all a favour and don't mention this place to the other guys over there

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    I sound like an ass for saying this but I won't be returning to post a recovery. I fucking hate those guys. Welcome Styker, I have to say this else i'll be worrying all day but this isn't and never will be a propecia forum, lose the victim mentality and anything else you learned there fast, treat the guys here with respect and you'll definitely start to feel better quickly, listen to your body, keep an open mind and try to put this behind you. It does get better.

    You're on the right track by getting away from there anyway, just do us all a favour and don't mention this place to the other guys over there
    Yeah i second that, the good guys on PH get blocked out by the sheer volume of twats. I was thinking of asking you not to mention here too, but thought that was going a bit far! Nice one Entropy! Losing the victim mentality - so important.

  5. #5
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Yeah i second that, the good guys on PH get blocked out by the sheer volume of twats. I was thinking of asking you not to mention here too, but thought that was going a bit far! Nice one Entropy! Losing the victim mentality - so important.
    That site is toxic. Granted, it helped shine let on what the hell was wrong with me, but not a good place to spend your time. And I also agree with you two about not having an influx of negativity come here. I've been here since (this and the old PP site) for quite some time and I managed to stay hidden here. I maybe mentioned propecia a few times, and that was it. I never got into it with these guys. No need. It was stupid of me to keep the same screen name, but never did I imagine my posts would reach so many. Lesson learned there. I'm not sure how you guys even found me.....
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #6
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    i found this site awhile ago when searching the net for andro hard.

    reading english's shbg thread prompted me to register.

    point taken on everyone's comments on the clomid use. i will reevaluate my use of it in the coming weeks.
    Last edited by strykers12; 02-23-2015 at 05:41 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    That site is toxic. Granted, it helped shine let on what the hell was wrong with me, but not a good place to spend your time. And I also agree with you two about not having an influx of negativity come here. I've been here since (this and the old PP site) for quite some time and I managed to stay hidden here. I maybe mentioned propecia a few times, and that was it. I never got into it with these guys. No need. It was stupid of me to keep the same screen name, but never did I imagine my posts would reach so many. Lesson learned there. I'm not sure how you guys even found me.....
    I don't think you or we need worry too much. I for one knew you were here many months before coming here - how? one of the guys on PH noted your screenname on swole and mentioned it, so if people were going to flock here from PH, then they already would have done so.
    I personally came here because Entropy kept suggesting it and certainly not because you were here, as i respected the fact that your methods are already detailed on PH. I read up on maybe 30 recoveries both on PH and elsewhere, and i built a regimen around the common denominators. your recovery was one of the most prominent, but it was still just one of 30 odd.
    I personally don't mind in the least people coming here with issues such as post fin, provided they are not the hysterical type talking about topping themselves and claiming it's incurable etc. For me it costs nothing to give some advice or an encouraging word. It costs a great deal if they are scaring me with a whole bunch of negativity and research suggesting i am doomed! That's where it changes.
    Just looking around this place, i see all sorts of people with other serious issues, hooked on meds etc. and i don't see many obviously ex fin guys. I think we are fairly safe. The moment we get the hysterical type, unlike on PH, he will be outnumbered and will have to step into line.

  8. #8
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    i stopped posting on there a couple of weeks ago. i realized everything that can be said has already been said on that site. the rest is up to the individual and the study findings whenever they will be completed. dont worry, i wont tell anyone about this place. even i was pretty hesitant on joining this forum because i didnt want to bring any bad vibes.

    Vitamin D
    I take at least 10,000U of Vit D per day. I may switch to a liquid formulation though for better absorption.

    I am not a fan of being on Clomid either. Doc wants me on it long term so the T will be at consistent levels. I will take new bloods in a couple of weeks and will see how T, E2, SHBG has changed. The end goal is not to be on anything. I plan on rotating some test boosters to go with the clomid.

    I was going to start off with a fast on Wednesday but will not based on your recommendation. I'll start off with Paleo, lifting, holosync, meditation, Test boosters, and other vitamins/minerals

    Thanks for the support. I will keep you guys posted on any progress.

  9. #9
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strykers12 View Post
    i stopped posting on there a couple of weeks ago. i realized everything that can be said has already been said on that site. the rest is up to the individual and the study findings whenever they will be completed. dont worry, i wont tell anyone about this place. even i was pretty hesitant on joining this forum because i didnt want to bring any bad vibes.

    Vitamin D
    I take at least 10,000U of Vit D per day. I may switch to a liquid formulation though for better absorption.

    I am not a fan of being on Clomid either. Doc wants me on it long term so the T will be at consistent levels. I will take new bloods in a couple of weeks and will see how T, E2, SHBG has changed. The end goal is not to be on anything. I plan on rotating some test boosters to go with the clomid.

    I was going to start off with a fast on Wednesday but will not based on your recommendation. I'll start off with Paleo, lifting, holosync, meditation, Test boosters, and other vitamins/minerals

    Thanks for the support. I will keep you guys posted on any progress.
    In regards to the regimen you're about to undertake, I just want to mention, in case it was missed, that I never took any pharmaceuticals to get where I am today. Now, you're in capable hands here, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) I've yet to hear of anyone who's healed completely while still using pharms as a crutch. It can be done naturally.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-23-2015 at 04:34 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  10. #10
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    Strykers, one final thing from me, When you start with the paleo diet, exercise, mind stuff etc. just go easy on yourself. What i mean is be kind to yourself, and don't get despondent because you did something wrong or whatever. It is extremely difficult to suddenly go paleo or organic etc. and it creates a stress of its own, for this reason, i recommend you ease into the process, perfecting things here and there as you go.
    For me, it took months to gain the strength and discipline to lead a virtually perfect lifestyle - now i enjoy it - and you can't just get there overnight, not without creating so much stress that it counteracts what you are doing.
    Remember, all those supplements, exercise, diet etc. will raise T in a normal healthy and happy individual by maybe 30 or 40% max over the long term. So from 550 to 750 (would probably be typical) which is great and can make them love life rather than just liking it, but subject that same person to prolonged and severe stress, and their T levels will always plummet to around 300. This happens both from stress of the mind, as well as stress from chronic over exercising, as evidenced by the many cases of transient secondary hypogonadism that doctors deal with in distance runners.
    So do the regimen by all means, but do it while focusing number one (by a mile) on healing your mind.

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