Alright, this April I plan on starting a 10 week cycle of CEL's E-Stane, CEL's M-LMG and some test e. In the past I have used prohormones and some oral AAS (dbol) a few years back. Last spring I ran LMG and loved it! My joints never felts as good as they did then and my strength went through the roof. That is why I have decided to run it with the epi.

As of now my plan is to run them as follow:
E-Stane- 20mg per day/30/20/30/20/30/20/30/20/30

M-LMG- 75mg per day/50/75/50/75/50/75/50/75/50

test e- 200mg/week for the 10 week run

My PCT as of now is:
Toco-8, TCF-1, Sustain Alpha (liquid), Phyto Testosterone, and Clomidex by AMS. I've been trying to find some legit Clomid but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm thinking I may need it instead of these OTC supplements. I have been thinking of adding some 6-bromo to the mix as well.

I am 6'1" and currently weigh 250 pounds with BF of 16%. Currently my lifts are back squat 435x1, deadlift 525x1 and flat bench 325x1. I don't try to get crazy with bench because I slightly tore my peck last August. So, I've been focusing on better technique on this lift instead of going heavy.

I realize there are a lot of knowledgeable individuals on here so any suggestions for feedback would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!