...I'm just drawing closer to pine pollen powder lately, feeling its effects more as time goes on, and really customizing my dosage and how I take it, now actually letting it sit under my tongue until it mostly dissolves, and even doing so when I lay down to go to sleep, hoping it will slowly absorb during the night while the body is doing its hormonal repairs/housecleaning.
...anyway, it occured to me, since I've upped my dosage lately, that since it contains both epi-and androsterone, similar to ultra hard or some of the other prohormones, that I'm not sure why it's not something that needs to be cycled.
I understand it's been repeatedly confirmed that cycling isnt necessary, but I'm just curious as to why that is, why the epi- and androsterone in pine pollen powder dobt present issues like suppression when used long term? Is it because they are present in such small amounts? If anyone has any insight, I'd appreciate it. I always try to do deeper into the herb I am most fascinated with at the moment...