Well Wes you got me in trouble last night. Arrived at my lady friends house last night and showed up to a house full of girls. Had just applied Activ 8 cologne... Immediately received compliments on how nice I smelled. I always am wearing something but particularly last night they couldn't get enough of the scent.

Fast forward into the night and my lady friend just checked out and goes into her room for the night, waiting for me. I sit and talk with the one girl (8/10 looks, definitely a nice girl) and she walks over and sits on my lap and starts biting my shoulder and kissing me (at the same time she's talking about how she knows me and my girl have a *thing*) . I totally in any other situation have been okay with that, but literally my girl was 10 feet away in bed. Anyway I almost gave in but decided I'm not a fucking idiot. I push the girl away and she was not happy about it.

Then I got in bed all my girl could talk about was how good I smelled. I told her it was my natural scent (classic line here guys this is gold I'm giving you LOL).

So thanks Wes for that experience last night. I'm mad I forgot to wear it out earlier to the bar but it was definitely 100% effective.