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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    2017 Medicine Nobel prize: re-tune your bioclock with sun and sleep patterns

    I am sunning the boys as typing this. Remember the sleep and getting sun sections from the protocol? Well guess what? This year Medicine Nobel award goes to a research highly related to that.

    Take a look

    I haven't dug out much into it but seems to be something that gives even more weight to the cure. Sometimes I feel a lot of those scientific achievements is something our elders already understood.

    Anyway, remember that it is not just about to get 8 hours of sleep but also at what time you sleep/wake.

    What you guys think?
    Last edited by Holistic; 10-02-2017 at 12:53 PM.
    Someone once asked a man how he was. He replied, “I’m going through hell!” Said his friend: “Well, keep on going. That is no place to stop!”

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    awesome post that everyone here should appreciate and fully understand.

    as I obsessively keep up with a lot of big health trends since this fuckin mess, it's great to see this sort of work being recognized by mainstream medicine, because there's so much info out there that specialists are putting forward, but it's hard to really filter what is really important, and I could tell the importance of fixing my circadian rhythm even though I didn't get good advice in the past. I was always told 8 hours of sleep is 8 hours of sleep. soooo wrong.

    Remember- you can't outsmart millions of years biological hard wiring. neither can your doctor. there is a reason why the protocol works- we are giving our bodies what it needs to really rest and reset. the time when you wake and when you rest is vitally important for our recoveries, and when you go to bed should be just as important as getting all of the sleep you need.

    I want to make a suggestion for you all: blue light blocking glasses. this is something I've been doing a lot of research on and it's proven to give you a higher quality of sleep, deeper/longer sleep cycles and logically, a quicker recovery.

    do your research, but i'll just put this article here for you: How Blocking Blue Light at Night Can Transform Your Sleep

    That's just the first thing I've come across from a simple search, but all the big health personalities I follow recommend blue light blocking glasses and of course, f.lux on all your electronics. (I use twilight/sunset screen, which I find better.) The next step is wearing these simple, tinted glasses at night to block all blue light. your sleep will improve dramatically. I didn't notice how sensitive I was to all these harsh lights until I cut them out. My sleep was clearly affected. Blue blocking glasses should be added to the protocol, especially after this news.

    You'll feel silly in your tinted glasses until your body starts thanking you for em.

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