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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 RickTheRuler's Avatar
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    My Regimen: Need Your Input

    Whassup guys, I’m new to the forum, funny that I’m currently writing this while I’m sunning my balls haha.. i’m Going to breiefly go through my story and my current regimen with great detail, it’s gonna be VERY lengthy (so lengthy it will make English’s post look short) & I’d appreciate your patience to read everything. Bear with me cause I’m feeling good, I just need that push. I’m glad to be here cause I was kind of harassing CD on Facebook truthfully.. I’m not gonna be on this forum for so much, this page is very positive, but for me just getting PFS out my head completely is a big part of this.. hope you understand...

    I’m 22 years old.. took Generic Fin 1mg from March 10-15 (last 2 days .5 mg) I got off cause I noticed that although libido was good, my erections were rubbery & pumps in the gym decreased massively.. i got off, continued with my life, crashed 9 days later. All the symptoms. Terrible.

    During my panicked, sleepless, crippling anxious, suicidal state & reading Propecia horror stories, I founds CD’s protocol, went on TMO & jumped right the fuck in on March 30 after going to the hospital & being told it’s all in My head, that’s when I knew it was up to me.. I went on a water fast myself, unsupervised till April 20th. I was 225 lbs of muscle (5”11) & now I have to be hovering aroud 175 (lowest was 168) .I understood that rest was vital.. so I took it very easy at work, every break, lunch break, or opportunity to relax I slept. My life was just work & go home & lay the whole day. This is not recommended, CD told me I was crazy, but during that time I was so bad & I was tired of Propecia Help, I jumped in, really did not give a fuck. I did not even want to be in the state a day longer, I’m glad I got in so quick after the crash. Although my cortisol probably went ape shit, it seems like now it was so worth it.

    I’m on the protocol 100%. I bought 2 of all the test, neurological, & sleep herbs as well as daily supplements. I dropped a lot of money just so I don’t have to be worrying about getting Extra shit, I know this is a marathon, so I bought l enough stuff to last me forever.. & im just sticking to the protocol, When guys on forums start to sound like Chemists it honestly drives me insane . Im simply on the protocol, nothing outside of it.. I want to show you guys what I Do during a regular day..

    6 AM:wake up, Cold shower: in the shower I skin brush, brush my teeth, get some breathing exercises in while I’m there. I’m comfortable with the showers now, I was doing them from the start of the fast. so I could last a good 30 min in there
    -Take dose of neurological herbs (Bacopa, Lions Mane, Theanine, Gotu Kola)
    -Take dose of test herb
    - Vit D from TMO.. I check the weather, if it’s gonna be raining or cloudy I’ll take 2.
    -same way CD takes his Chlorella and Spirulina. Every other day between the two..

    7:30 AM-3 pm -Working

    When I come out of work i take the second dose of test herbs.. I’ll take my shirt off, & walk home 3-4 miles. I live in New York City by the river so the walk down is nice.. i’d Find a spot to sun my balls, I just take em out, call the fucking cops I don’t give a shit lol. Off days from the gym this would be my time to do breathing exercisies, mediatate, relax.. but if I’m lifting that day is just getting that sun throughout the walk & sunning my balls

    4:30 - LIFT
    PrE pfs my deadlift max was 705, squat max was 520, bench was 315.. I was doing other bad ass stuff like Heavy was weighed Pull Ups & weighted dips... I was 225 lbs..

    - today I’m at 325x10 with deadlifts - 200x8 with squats, & 155 on bench.. I still don’t feel pumps, but I do progressively overload with everything & despite that I am getting stronger.. it’s only my 2nd week back.. I also isolate on the 3 areas that been atrophied slightly from Propecia (neck, forearms, calves) even though I feel no pump I’m still hitting it hard.

    I don’t give a fuck what ANYONE tells me, I’m not backloading, & I will still get to those numbers at a light weight. It will be hard but I’m doing it. I like the new Challenge of seeing how strong you can get at a certain size & have Crazy power to weight ratios & relative strength..Before I was eating everything, now on Paleo, my new goal is to have crazy amounts of relative strength (get those numbers without being massive) you WILL see a 700 Pull at 175-180!! YOU WILL

    HIIT: 7 100 yard sprints (last one 150 yds) 1x a week.. as I progress I’ll incorporated weighted sprints, I have this home made sled I made myself, I’d stack tons of weight on it. Great for power.. I also take this time to do plyometrics “squat jumps, clapping pushups” (these are bodyweight obviously)

    -Power Cleans. The anabolic response to Olympic lifts gives you the benefits of your regular prime lifts and HIIT put together . I like to think of Power Cleans as a “heavily loaded plyometric” . Great for explosiveness. Helps all your lifts and sprinting ability. If you are an athlete this is MUST imo.

    Also with Bench, Squats, & Overhead Press I only do pause reps in the bottom while holding the overall tension that you should hold in all lifts (don’t just get loose on the bottom, your not resting at the bottom) once you stop the stretch reflex in that ass to grass position on a squat, WAY more muscle fibers start firing once it’s time to explode out the “hole”.
    It takes more explosiveness to come out of a dead stop, in addition the pauses make the whole set longer. Good for the time under tension you’re muscles willl go through (good for mass) That simple pause whether is 1 second or 5 brings so many benefits, & in my opinion it just adds on to the androgens cause it’s a harder variation..

    After I lift/sprint I drink the OnlyProtein that CD put on TMO..

    6:30- I get home, eat.. use the bathmate, then jump in the cold shower.. since I’m not in a rush for work, this is where I try to break records as to how long I can stay in there. While In there I do breathing exercises & mediatate..

    After the shower I take all the sleeping herbs and put the magnesium oil on my body.. I put on sleep meditation music & I’m usually out..g
    what I love about his lifestyle is that the combination of meditating, doing all these things to better myself throughout the day, & sleep herbs. I usually knock out within 15 min.. I think me just Living this protocol from the moment I wake up to when I sleep just naturally leaves me tired in the end.. yeah the herbs deff work, but I don’t see them as the MAIN reason, It’s the fact that I do so much . Herbs are the extra kick though.

    DIET- Paleo , no complex carbs at all, I will start backloading when I get to my old numbers in the gym. I’m just in love with the whole relative strength challenge, everyone around me is doubting it, I get it, it’s fucking hard... just like they are doubting me doing this whole protocol And looking at me like I lost my mind & my symptoms are not real... FUCK THEM..

    I live in the inner city of NY, I try my BEST to eat organic. The 2 meals I have in my job most likely aren’t, but I stick to the foods that CD put on his websites. The bulk of ALL my meals is greens.. I’d have eggs in the morning, & some type of chicken or seafood during lunch & dinner.. my beverages are usually blended fruits and veggies (like a juice feast) my dad prepares these & has fun with it, I put the Spirulina powder in them..

    My only concern is that I have 2 holes in my regimen..
    - the dish soap/ detergent, I don’t live alone, I can’t control this.. but I do have a whole set of non paraben products from Primal Pit Taste (tooth powders, gum serums, lip balms, baby powder).. I bought so much man this shit might last years. I’m stocked the fuck up

    - the second hole is my meals specifically at work most likely aren’t organic. I know CD says try your best. When I eat on weekends (my days off) and after work it’s mostly Organic. It’s just my breakfast and lunch during work most likely aren’t. The food at my job is great..But like I said, I’m full paleo, some yogurt here and there for the gut.. good fats on everything.. Just Following everything on the protocol as far as foods go without even slipping an inch..

    I feel like I will recover with time, I’m in a good head space, the mental sides seem to be gone or very minimal.. but I just need re assurance from what you guys based on what I told you about how I Go about my day.. I’m on the straight and Narrow with this, I’ve always been disciplined, it’s how I got to a 700 lb deadlift in the first place at this age.. Don’t question my ethic, consistency, & discipline. It’s there..I haven’t even touched any alcoholic bev, drug, or one grain of rice (anything gluten).. I just need that confirmation that I will be good at the end of the day. It’s that one mental defecit I have & I recognize it..I feel so damn motivated, but that extra assurance from you guys knowing that I’ll be good & what I’m doing is right will do it.. BUT if there are things you want to CRITIQUE, please do.

    When I get to my old numbers with just paleo.. I’ll start backloading and taking Creatine & move forward.. that will jumpstart my lifts immensely when I start gaining serious weight. See what I’m doing, I’m maximizing my strength while I’m limited to certain things as much as possible. Then adding a new element that will get me stronger (gaining mass, creatine) then maximizing that.. & then jumping on the Prohormones.. it’s just a different type of challenge & the shit is givekmg me so much life...Just imagine.

    I will get on the prohormones when I’m cured. I don’t want the prohormones during the healing stages. I want to get to 100% & some without them & then that will be the extra kick.. man. I’m so hopeful..shit with this plan and progression we might be talking 800+ deadlifts in the future..

    Socially I’m pretty isolated outside my family. Always been though, don’t give a fuck about that.. always been about doing me. I love being alone and just exploring everything.. this protocol is fun as fuck.

    Hit me back guys. Keep striving. I’m just dealing with a small amount of self doubt cause I’m in the beginning, I just wanna clear that shit .

  2. #2
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    really amazing attitude especially so early in the crash.

    i was a fucking baby and mess for the first 3-4 months and i'm doing WAY better now so you'll probably get to the finished line faster than I do cheers and thanks for sharing.
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  3. #3
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickTheRuler View Post
    Whassup guys, I’m new to the forum, funny that I’m currently writing this while I’m sunning my balls haha.. i’m Going to breiefly go through my story and my current regimen with great detail, it’s gonna be VERY lengthy (so lengthy it will make English’s post look short) & I’d appreciate your patience to read everything. Bear with me cause I’m feeling good, I just need that push. I’m glad to be here cause I was kind of harassing CD on Facebook truthfully.. I’m not gonna be on this forum for so much, this page is very positive, but for me just getting PFS out my head completely is a big part of this.. hope you understand...

    I’m 22 years old.. took Generic Fin 1mg from March 10-15 (last 2 days .5 mg) I got off cause I noticed that although libido was good, my erections were rubbery & pumps in the gym decreased massively.. i got off, continued with my life, crashed 9 days later. All the symptoms. Terrible.

    During my panicked, sleepless, crippling anxious, suicidal state & reading Propecia horror stories, I founds CD’s protocol, went on TMO & jumped right the fuck in on March 30 after going to the hospital & being told it’s all in My head, that’s when I knew it was up to me.. I went on a water fast myself, unsupervised till April 20th. I was 225 lbs of muscle (5”11) & now I have to be hovering aroud 175 (lowest was 168) .I understood that rest was vital.. so I took it very easy at work, every break, lunch break, or opportunity to relax I slept. My life was just work & go home & lay the whole day. This is not recommended, CD told me I was crazy, but during that time I was so bad & I was tired of Propecia Help, I jumped in, really did not give a fuck. I did not even want to be in the state a day longer, I’m glad I got in so quick after the crash. Although my cortisol probably went ape shit, it seems like now it was so worth it.

    I’m on the protocol 100%. I bought 2 of all the test, neurological, & sleep herbs as well as daily supplements. I dropped a lot of money just so I don’t have to be worrying about getting Extra shit, I know this is a marathon, so I bought l enough stuff to last me forever.. & im just sticking to the protocol, When guys on forums start to sound like Chemists it honestly drives me insane . Im simply on the protocol, nothing outside of it.. I want to show you guys what I Do during a regular day..

    6 AM:wake up, Cold shower: in the shower I skin brush, brush my teeth, get some breathing exercises in while I’m there. I’m comfortable with the showers now, I was doing them from the start of the fast. so I could last a good 30 min in there
    -Take dose of neurological herbs (Bacopa, Lions Mane, Theanine, Gotu Kola)
    -Take dose of test herb
    - Vit D from TMO.. I check the weather, if it’s gonna be raining or cloudy I’ll take 2.
    -same way CD takes his Chlorella and Spirulina. Every other day between the two..

    7:30 AM-3 pm -Working

    When I come out of work i take the second dose of test herbs.. I’ll take my shirt off, & walk home 3-4 miles. I live in New York City by the river so the walk down is nice.. i’d Find a spot to sun my balls, I just take em out, call the fucking cops I don’t give a shit lol. Off days from the gym this would be my time to do breathing exercisies, mediatate, relax.. but if I’m lifting that day is just getting that sun throughout the walk & sunning my balls

    4:30 - LIFT
    PrE pfs my deadlift max was 705, squat max was 520, bench was 315.. I was doing other bad ass stuff like Heavy was weighed Pull Ups & weighted dips... I was 225 lbs..

    - today I’m at 325x10 with deadlifts - 200x8 with squats, & 155 on bench.. I still don’t feel pumps, but I do progressively overload with everything & despite that I am getting stronger.. it’s only my 2nd week back.. I also isolate on the 3 areas that been atrophied slightly from Propecia (neck, forearms, calves) even though I feel no pump I’m still hitting it hard.

    I don’t give a fuck what ANYONE tells me, I’m not backloading, & I will still get to those numbers at a light weight. It will be hard but I’m doing it. I like the new Challenge of seeing how strong you can get at a certain size & have Crazy power to weight ratios & relative strength..Before I was eating everything, now on Paleo, my new goal is to have crazy amounts of relative strength (get those numbers without being massive) you WILL see a 700 Pull at 175-180!! YOU WILL

    HIIT: 7 100 yard sprints (last one 150 yds) 1x a week.. as I progress I’ll incorporated weighted sprints, I have this home made sled I made myself, I’d stack tons of weight on it. Great for power.. I also take this time to do plyometrics “squat jumps, clapping pushups” (these are bodyweight obviously)

    -Power Cleans. The anabolic response to Olympic lifts gives you the benefits of your regular prime lifts and HIIT put together . I like to think of Power Cleans as a “heavily loaded plyometric” . Great for explosiveness. Helps all your lifts and sprinting ability. If you are an athlete this is MUST imo.

    Also with Bench, Squats, & Overhead Press I only do pause reps in the bottom while holding the overall tension that you should hold in all lifts (don’t just get loose on the bottom, your not resting at the bottom) once you stop the stretch reflex in that ass to grass position on a squat, WAY more muscle fibers start firing once it’s time to explode out the “hole”.
    It takes more explosiveness to come out of a dead stop, in addition the pauses make the whole set longer. Good for the time under tension you’re muscles willl go through (good for mass) That simple pause whether is 1 second or 5 brings so many benefits, & in my opinion it just adds on to the androgens cause it’s a harder variation..

    After I lift/sprint I drink the OnlyProtein that CD put on TMO..

    6:30- I get home, eat.. use the bathmate, then jump in the cold shower.. since I’m not in a rush for work, this is where I try to break records as to how long I can stay in there. While In there I do breathing exercises & mediatate..

    After the shower I take all the sleeping herbs and put the magnesium oil on my body.. I put on sleep meditation music & I’m usually out..g
    what I love about his lifestyle is that the combination of meditating, doing all these things to better myself throughout the day, & sleep herbs. I usually knock out within 15 min.. I think me just Living this protocol from the moment I wake up to when I sleep just naturally leaves me tired in the end.. yeah the herbs deff work, but I don’t see them as the MAIN reason, It’s the fact that I do so much . Herbs are the extra kick though.

    DIET- Paleo , no complex carbs at all, I will start backloading when I get to my old numbers in the gym. I’m just in love with the whole relative strength challenge, everyone around me is doubting it, I get it, it’s fucking hard... just like they are doubting me doing this whole protocol And looking at me like I lost my mind & my symptoms are not real... FUCK THEM..

    I live in the inner city of NY, I try my BEST to eat organic. The 2 meals I have in my job most likely aren’t, but I stick to the foods that CD put on his websites. The bulk of ALL my meals is greens.. I’d have eggs in the morning, & some type of chicken or seafood during lunch & dinner.. my beverages are usually blended fruits and veggies (like a juice feast) my dad prepares these & has fun with it, I put the Spirulina powder in them..

    My only concern is that I have 2 holes in my regimen..
    - the dish soap/ detergent, I don’t live alone, I can’t control this.. but I do have a whole set of non paraben products from Primal Pit Taste (tooth powders, gum serums, lip balms, baby powder).. I bought so much man this shit might last years. I’m stocked the fuck up

    - the second hole is my meals specifically at work most likely aren’t organic. I know CD says try your best. When I eat on weekends (my days off) and after work it’s mostly Organic. It’s just my breakfast and lunch during work most likely aren’t. The food at my job is great..But like I said, I’m full paleo, some yogurt here and there for the gut.. good fats on everything.. Just Following everything on the protocol as far as foods go without even slipping an inch..

    I feel like I will recover with time, I’m in a good head space, the mental sides seem to be gone or very minimal.. but I just need re assurance from what you guys based on what I told you about how I Go about my day.. I’m on the straight and Narrow with this, I’ve always been disciplined, it’s how I got to a 700 lb deadlift in the first place at this age.. Don’t question my ethic, consistency, & discipline. It’s there..I haven’t even touched any alcoholic bev, drug, or one grain of rice (anything gluten).. I just need that confirmation that I will be good at the end of the day. It’s that one mental defecit I have & I recognize it..I feel so damn motivated, but that extra assurance from you guys knowing that I’ll be good & what I’m doing is right will do it.. BUT if there are things you want to CRITIQUE, please do.

    When I get to my old numbers with just paleo.. I’ll start backloading and taking Creatine & move forward.. that will jumpstart my lifts immensely when I start gaining serious weight. See what I’m doing, I’m maximizing my strength while I’m limited to certain things as much as possible. Then adding a new element that will get me stronger (gaining mass, creatine) then maximizing that.. & then jumping on the Prohormones.. it’s just a different type of challenge & the shit is givekmg me so much life...Just imagine.

    I will get on the prohormones when I’m cured. I don’t want the prohormones during the healing stages. I want to get to 100% & some without them & then that will be the extra kick.. man. I’m so hopeful..shit with this plan and progression we might be talking 800+ deadlifts in the future..

    Socially I’m pretty isolated outside my family. Always been though, don’t give a fuck about that.. always been about doing me. I love being alone and just exploring everything.. this protocol is fun as fuck.

    Hit me back guys. Keep striving. I’m just dealing with a small amount of self doubt cause I’m in the beginning, I just wanna clear that shit .
    CLEAR IT!!

    Get rid of the self doubt brother.

    You got this.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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