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    We need to wait Androgen Receptor Modulation happens!!

    Hi guys,

    When CDNUTS say for us to wait months (even years) so that the herbs take effect, it makes perfect sense!

    Lets analyze how SSRI works so that it makes sense (i was a user of it, and it works like a charm! My mood, at that time i was using it, improved so well, but of course, to follow the protocol, i abandoned this medicine):

    SSRI use to work, on vast majority of cases, after 4 to 6 weeks of continuous administration, because a serotonin increasing on synaptic cleft happens, and the brain receptors NEEDS TO BE MODULATED to fit this new amount, it takes several weeks to build, the body needs adjust the amount of brain receptor , hence, you will never see SSRI working overnight!

    With androgens, it is not so much different, we need a window time so that the body receptors, adjust for the new amount we are generating through the herbs (androsterone, dht, testosterone and so on). You can ask: Why treatment with exogenous test on long-term doesn't work? MAYBE because with herbs, we are producing, and taking (phytoandrogens) androgens structures wich fits better to androgen receptors.

    The androgen modulation may take months, even years (we dont know) to happen properly, ! So, wait!

    Remember, SSRI, will increase your own serotonin (as a matter of fact, not itself, but bioavaliability of it) and it works like a charm after appropriate receptor modulation.

    Coincidentally, improvement of mood on SSRI come in waves, until it, boooom, stick!!!

    It´s logical, there are other influence aspects why the protocol works!
    Last edited by Fausto Soares; 11-12-2017 at 08:24 AM.

  2. #2
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    Totally agree with the theme of this. Look at trt for example. When guys jump on trt its typically the brain, libido and mood to change first. The physical changes always come later. The tissue changes are always behind metal changes. In the case of trt normally a 6 month period for the full beneifts to be realised. I ran the herbs for 4 weeks and in the last week noticed huge mental changes...i became extremely emotional and i struggled tbh to deal with it, but its because my brain hasnt functioned like that for such a long time i found it abit overwelming. I used to be very emotional! now im 3 weeks into the prohormone cycle, and once again my mood has completely changed, im alot more mellow...almost feel sedated at times but still no physical changes excpet maybe more strength in the gymn, but major physical changes like hanging nuts im still not seeing. This is the sympton of all i want to see reversed. But i wont stop...ill never stop before i reclaim my manhood

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pageidol View Post
    Totally agree with the theme of this. Look at trt for example. When guys jump on trt its typically the brain, libido and mood to change first. The physical changes always come later. The tissue changes are always behind metal changes. In the case of trt normally a 6 month period for the full beneifts to be realised. I ran the herbs for 4 weeks and in the last week noticed huge mental changes...i became extremely emotional and i struggled tbh to deal with it, but its because my brain hasnt functioned like that for such a long time i found it abit overwelming. I used to be very emotional! now im 3 weeks into the prohormone cycle, and once again my mood has completely changed, im alot more mellow...almost feel sedated at times but still no physical changes excpet maybe more strength in the gymn, but major physical changes like hanging nuts im still not seeing. This is the sympton of all i want to see reversed. But i wont stop...ill never stop before i reclaim my manhood
    Great observation, the degrees increase when the body goes getting more modulated ...When on PFS or supressive steroids, our body got privated of androgens, and it sent signals for our body to modulate it some degree(s) to down (decrease sensitivity and/or Androgens Receptor amount).

    It is not surprise the R Andro speed up the improvements because :

    1-it will generate a great increase on DHT and there is no estrogen increasing to counter-attack androgen effects

    2- and taking it for some weeks give time so that the body makes some adjustment to this new DHT amount

    At the end of the day, after R-Andro and herbs, you have a body modulated for higher androgens, and even if androgens fall (due to stop using R Andro and herbs what is definitively not like fina or steroids supression), the improvements stays, as happened to CDNUTS and others, because on a body up-modulated less androgens take effect.
    Last edited by Fausto Soares; 11-12-2017 at 01:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    This is why the mental aspect is so important when doing this regimen. You need to KNOW, that you will change and heal given the proper amount of time. This is where so many guys fall short. They don't see results immediately and they start to question themselves. Many times, depending on the guy, he may go months with very little change, and then all of a sudden he will have a massive up swing with a permanent increase in baseline.

    Just because you can't feel anything happening, doesn't mean nothing is happening. There are things going on "behind the scenes" ALL THE TIME as long as you continue doing what is outlined. I talk to so many guys that have almost given in, and then right at the moment when they felt the weakest, BOOM...upswing. Permanent upswing. This was the case with myself as well. This is how it works. It takes time for things that are working on the molecular level to manifest themselves as changes that you can see and feel. It takes time for things to go from the microscopic, to the present visual field. It has to work it's way up the ladder, so to speak.

    This is why I try to get guys to practice presence with the use of breathing exercises and meditation. You NEED to get out of your head and just let things be the way they are. You have to know that doing all you can do is going to indefinitely create the outcome you desire. This is fact.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 11-12-2017 at 02:15 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    This is why the mental aspect is so important when doing this regimen. You need to KNOW, that you will change and heal given the proper amount of time. This is where so many guys fall short. They don't see results immediately and they start to question themselves. Many times, depending on the guy, he may go months with very little change, and then all of a sudden he will have a massive up swing with a permanent increase in baseline.

    Just because you can't feel anything happening, doesn't mean nothing is happening. There are things going on "behind the scenes" ALL THE TIME as long as you continue doing what is outlined. I talk to so many guys that have almost given in, and then right at the moment when they felt the weakest, BOOM...upswing. Permanent upswing. This was the case with myself as well. This is how it works. It takes time for things that are working on the molecular level to manifest themselves as changes that you can see and feel. It takes time for things to go from the microscopic, to the present visual field. It has to work it's way up the ladder, so to speak.

    This is why I try to get guys to practice presence with the use of breathing exercises and meditation. You NEED to get out of your head and just let things be the way they are. You have to know that doing all you can do is going to indefinitely create the outcome you desire. This is fact.
    Exactly, i've read about guys wich gave up just two months of herb protocol, it doesn't work on this way.

    When i was on SSRI, the improvement came in waves, i thinked it was not working until six weeks of treatment arrived, and "suddenly", the mood stuck on the good baseline as real world practice has showed.

    I think it is important to keep the androgens on higher level even after modulation has happened (it is accomplished by protocol because the protocol take so much time), it is to increase the chance the body to keep on a persistent way the up-modulated state even after protocol cessation (state wich androgen receptors accept more androgens, and less androgens still has great effect).

    We got stuck on down-modulated state because we did a great suppression in a range of time (that is, not overnight).

  6. #6
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    Yeah altho when you talk of ‘supression over a range of time’ in my case that was 21 days saw palmetto and 2 weeks fenugreek in the form of a herbal test booster (usn anabol testo sold on amazon) The latter finished me off and ironically i took the test booster thinking it would give me a boost after very very mild side effects from saw palmetto. Afterwards i was shocked to discover i had taken another anti-androgen.!!

    I trawled through the reviews on amazon and not one review, not one bastard review (out of 417 reviews) spoke off the horrendous symptoms i had. I swear it was like winning the fuking lottery. You couldn’t even right this shit....and yet hundreds upon hundreds of men take this test booster. Men even use it for there pct after a steroid cycle. That was it, 3 years devastated. Thank god I found this website!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pageidol View Post
    Yeah altho when you talk of ‘supression over a range of time’ in my case that was 21 days saw palmetto and 2 weeks fenugreek in the form of a herbal test booster (usn anabol testo sold on amazon) The latter finished me off and ironically i took the test booster thinking it would give me a boost after very very mild side effects from saw palmetto. Afterwards i was shocked to discover i had taken another anti-androgen.!!

    I trawled through the reviews on amazon and not one review, not one bastard review (out of 417 reviews) spoke off the horrendous symptoms i had. I swear it was like winning the fuking lottery. You couldn’t even right this shit....and yet hundreds upon hundreds of men take this test booster. Men even use it for there pct after a steroid cycle. That was it, 3 years devastated. Thank god I found this website!
    It seems like the time range to fuck us is much less than time to recover lol! The damage is big, but there is way to fix!

  8. #8
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 K8668B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fausto Soares View Post
    It seems like the time range to fuck us is much less than time to recover lol! The damage is big, but there is way to fix!
    You aint kidding! I took the poison for a very very very long time, and didnt even start combating the conditon until years later, as in 2017. I never had an extreme crash, i just remember roughly about 1 year after taking the drug (maybe less, maybe more), that my libido/sexual/dick was significantly reduced.

    But it will definitely take longer to recover. Its been about nearly 5 months since my last fast, and i want to say the sexual needle MAY have just finally moved for me. the shit takes a long time!! then again i may be speaking too soon. i still have days where im just as bad sexually. but in the last two months, or last month.. ive had many better days sexually. good things happened. (it could still be random bullshit luck though. or stupid random variables. dont want to speak too soon. you gotta remember ive been in this condition for 10+ years, so perhaps i may still be very paranoid.) Ive kept doing the protocol, never stopped, but i also have added my own individual things into it.

    But yeah, its definitely not an overnight thing!
    Always improve, always evolve, never give up.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
    You aint kidding! I took the poison for a very very very long time, and didnt even start combating the conditon until years later, as in 2017. I never had an extreme crash, i just remember roughly about 1 year after taking the drug (maybe less, maybe more), that my libido/sexual/dick was significantly reduced.

    But it will definitely take longer to recover. Its been about nearly 5 months since my last fast, and i want to say the sexual needle MAY have just finally moved for me. the shit takes a long time!! then again i may be speaking too soon. i still have days where im just as bad sexually. but in the last two months, or last month.. ive had many better days sexually. good things happened. (it could still be random bullshit luck though. or stupid random variables. dont want to speak too soon. you gotta remember ive been in this condition for 10+ years, so perhaps i may still be very paranoid.) Ive kept doing the protocol, never stopped, but i also have added my own individual things into it.

    But yeah, its definitely not an overnight thing!
    I personally think that the longer one has gone without any androgen activity in his tissues and brain, the longer it will take for them same tissues and brain to respond. Ive noticed a trend it seems whereby those that have acted quite swiftly with this thing seem to have responsed faster and more efficiently. But is doesnt mean for example yourself wont recover, it might just take you a wee bit longer with being starved of it over a longer period..almost like its double the work. The damage intially done, then the damage done by staying in that situation for a good period of time...itll take more effort to get the body to 'remember' perhaps

  10. #10
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pageidol View Post
    I personally think that the longer one has gone without any androgen activity in his tissues and brain, the longer it will take for them same tissues and brain to respond. Ive noticed a trend it seems whereby those that have acted quite swiftly with this thing seem to have responsed faster and more efficiently. But is doesnt mean for example yourself wont recover, it might just take you a wee bit longer with being starved of it over a longer period..almost like its double the work. The damage intially done, then the damage done by staying in that situation for a good period of time...itll take more effort to get the body to 'remember' perhaps
    I don't think it will take more effort or more work, just more TIME. Things will slowly start to come back online, so you have to make sure you're always giving the body what it needs so that when it's ready to make that change, it has what it needs to do so. That is why I'm always saying time + consistency = results....because it does.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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