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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    MK-677 research log journal

    I'm about halfway through week 3 of PCT for my previous log, and really missing the fast recovery I was experiencing on cycle.

    Today 1/24/15 will be day 1 of 4 week research of MK-677 (Ibutamoren) @ 25mg/day from BSP. I just picked up a bunch of goodies, and have been feeling a little unhappy carrying such a high bodyfat percentage after a winter bulk that brought me from 184lbs last summer to 207ish for the past week. I am looking forward to maintaining this body mass for another 5 weeks at minimum to try and solidify and muscle and strength gains from the bulk before I begin cutting for summer. I am hoping for a slight recomp with improved recovery.

    I have read some logs that weren't really impressive, so I am keeping my expectations low and will report on what happens.

    I am also taking a host of supplements, which will be added later. Gotta go lift!.
    Last edited by Spank; 02-11-2015 at 10:59 PM.

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Well within 1 hour of dosing marked increase in hunger, body temperature, and sweating. Will probably keep dosing to before bedtime to avoid the hunger. currently sitting a hair over 206 lbs.
    So for a list of supplements:
    Fish oil
    Vitamin D
    Vitamin B12
    glucosamine and chondroitin joint supp
    Vitamin C
    Milk thistle
    hawthorn berries
    Grape seed extract (just using it until its gone)
    Creatine mono
    Protein powder
    C4 extreme preworkout (sometimes I add in about 1.5 g beta alanine and ~3 grams of citrulline )
    ZMA before bed
    Alpha brain 1 cap/day

    PCT: Nolva and Exemstane
    Last edited by Spank; 01-25-2015 at 10:45 AM.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Morning 2:
    Hunger, lethargy.
    No noted problems feeling full as have been reported by others.
    Not sure if lethargy can completely be attributed to MK-677.
    Almost forgot to mention reports of skin benefits already.
    Bacne is miraculously more clear. >50% reduction
    Last edited by Spank; 01-25-2015 at 11:00 AM.

  4. #4
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Morning 3:
    Day 2 dose was moved to earlier in the day to keep separate from sleep.
    Morning 3 consisted of AM cardio with preworkout as soon as alarm went off. So hunger and lethargy weren't noticed.
    Pronounced improvement in acne still present and welcome.
    Recovery seems improved-reports of less pronounced DOMS
    current weight is 212lbs though
    +6lbs in 3 days does not bode well for a cut.
    Although hunger hasn't been reported to be more pronounced, there is an obvious increase in caloric consumption.

    No reports of continued elevated frequency of joint pain.

    Dose 3 was administered on morning 3 to see how sides are throughout day.
    Creatine supplementation was recently added so additional weight gain may be all water.

  5. #5
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Evening 3 weight is 214lbs please please please let summer come quickly

  6. #6
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    I had a request for pics from my last log to judge if I should cut or not. So here are some pics of me today.
    I tend to carry extra bodyfat in my lower pecs, abdomen, glutes and thighs to a lesser extent.
    5'10.5 214lbs bf%=too high!
    Last summer I was 184lbs. My goals are minimum 195lbs with <10%bf by June. I will be getting engaged and my gf and I agree that we should take fitness related engagement pictures, so I'm a little more motivated.

    Pics were taken a day after training arms and shoulders, so they are probably a little inflamed. I am also supllementing with creatine which does add a little water weight as well.

    Upon completion of this cycle I will probably wait a week or two with only natty supps to let my body get close to homeostasis. I am then planning to run a cut with tentative plans to maybe start with EC stack or maybe Clen then kickstart a cut stack with osta. Idk though being shut down for too long seems scary, although my boys came back quickly after the last cycle. If only I could find some oral HCG...

  7. #7
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    day 5 am dosing,

    Due to reports or bad taste, we have changed to using an oral syringe to put liquid into capsules. With this dosing protocol we have reports of feeling of warmth in esophagus. Effects were described as similar to liquor. Feeling of warmth followed by "tightness" in head. No reports of numbness in limbs as have been reported by others. All doses administered with food. Subject was pre-screened with reports of "sensitive stomach" and "acid reflux" prior to trial. This may or may not be influencing digestive side effects.

    Subject reports possible increase in carb sensitivity, so we will switch to a restricted carbohydrate diet.

    Increased recovery is being reported. Definite decrease in the intensity and duration of DOMS

  8. #8
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Day 5 had awesome leg day
    Pulled a 385 lb deadlift for another PR over last week's 360 lbs. Went for 400 and got it about 6" up and got stuck. Maybe I'll throw some romanian deads in on back day if things aren't too crazy busy and try again next week. I was so close. I have never trained for strength really. Always stuck to high volume routines.
    Also added 5 lbs to each squat set plus 2 reps on last 5th set after deadlifting. Had to wait about 20 minutes for leg press to become available at 6:00pm. I can't even be mad because they were regulars that have been lifting there longer than me lol. Proceeded to destroy last leg days leg press in weight and reps then matched last week's accessory isolation work. Best leg day in a while.
    Weight is up to 216lbs because I have been stress eating homemade parfaits with vanilla greek yogurt and oats n dark chocolate protein granola FFFFFUUUUUU sweet tooth. I mean like a cereal bowl full LOL. So I have behaved a little better today with marginally smaller portions during each meal, however I will probably eat a large meal in the next 30 min because leg day haha.
    So the next two days will solidify whether the MK is affecting recovery times, because I did not supplement with citrulline this workout, and after this leg day I should be crawling out of bed Saturday morning.

    I know I have gained a significant amount of weight prior to first cycle, but it is really gratifying to see a plateau smashed with strength still increasing through week 3 of PCT. I used to hate when the powerlifters would lift near me with their heavy weights and low rep ranges! Even with a much higher volume I'm starting to catch up to them though
    Last edited by Spank; 01-29-2015 at 08:15 PM.

  9. #9
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Those pics don't look too high in bf too me bro. Looks good. If you're feeling recovery time is getting better why not start with lower dose EC? I'm planning on doing that either next week or the next to see how it works with the res100/epic gainz. Def helps with lethargy also!! And wayyy smoother than clen imo

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    End of day 8:
    Leg day DOMS were bad. I would say there are better compounds out there for recovery. I like to add L-Citrulline to C-4. I believe the creatine/Beta alanine/L-citrulline combo is more effective at than this so far.

    After 2 days of clean eating with restricted carbs and EC I am down to 209. I feel as if I am a touch leaner at 209 than at the beginning of PCT and up 3 lbs. Could be water weight though?

    Hopefully week 2 shows more results although strength is still increasing each workout with the split I run.
    Modest gains so far, but gains are gains.
    I'm going to try to slowly bulk ever so slightly to see how long I can take advantage of these strength gains once PCT ends and thereafter. Now that I know the EC will drop the weight fast I'm not as apprehensive about carrying so much bodyfat. I really wish it were march......................

    8 weeks of researching Tvar/Transdermal Trest/and Epiandro beginning on April 1st

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