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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    VayneZ strikes back: The healing process weeks

    Hey guys, been awhile.

    Just wanted to log this and at the same time get back and become a bit more active again here on the board.
    Due to some injuries which I will elaborate on more later tonight, I will be running Deca / Test for 12 weeks (maybe more, we'll see). Will post pics. Got everything already except the syringes, bac water and 2 vials which I will buy today and hopefully reconstitute my hCG tonight and start.

    I'll be playing around between 250-500 mg a week, trying to stay higher in test for the most weeks. Got 2x 10ml bottles of testoviron and 1x ml bottle of Super Deca, both from Generic Supplements (a weel known european company here).

    I am debating whether or not to add the following in the mix as well:

    AndroBulk (3/4 bottle left)
    AndroHard v3 (3/4 bottle left)
    Super DMZ 3.0 (1/2 bottle left)
    Super Epi Andro (3 bottles + a few pills left)
    Mechabol ((2 bottles left)

    Or I will just run these 2 solo, keeping it more simple. Open for advise in this area.

    I will use hCG 2x a week at 250iu and will have arim on hand just in case.

    ---- one more thing ----
    Been on Most Wanted and Epic Gainz for awhile. Would these be of aid during this cycle? Or stop, and save them for later in PCT and afterwards???
    Last edited by VayneZ; 03-01-2016 at 09:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Oh sweet. In for this, yours and scopes logs are always really interesting.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 hossam's Avatar
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    VayneZ strikes back: The healing process weeks

    Good luck man, I just finished my PCT from the same healing cycle and it did the job very well, if you suffer from a joint injury don't use any DHT compound or you will feel more pain, use Royal jelly during and after the cycle in high doses.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Administrator Feedback Score 1 (100%) SoCal-Nutrition's Avatar
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    bud, glad to see you back on here! Sorry to hear about the injury though!
    Use Coupon code SWOLE5 to save 5% on all orders
    Prescription Nutrition Now Available!

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    Oh sweet. In for this, yours and scopes logs are always really interesting.
    Hey man thanks, last time I ran AAS was back in 2012 so it's about time! I'll be making updates in my log as much as I can

    Quote Originally Posted by hossam View Post
    Good luck man, I just finished my PCT from the same healing cycle and it did the job very well, if you suffer from a joint injury don't use any DHT compound or you will feel more pain, use Royal jelly during and after the cycle in high doses.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Hossam been awhile! Nice. What dose of Royal Jelly would you recommend?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal-Nutrition View Post
    bud, glad to see you back on here! Sorry to hear about the injury though!
    Rob! Thanks for checking in! And yeah man... I'll write in detail what I have been through these past months and what moved me to decide to run deca. Nice to have you aboard

  6. #6
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 hossam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post

    Hossam been awhile! Nice. What dose of Royal Jelly would you recommend?
    For the Royal Jelly i recommend 2 times a day 4 capsules each dose but not at night time

    The capsules
    Royal Jelly 500 MG

    The fresh one

    Royal Jelly In Honey Ultra Strength

    also reffer to Eric's advice in my thread

    Any suggestions to avoid possible Spinal Disc injury?
    Last edited by hossam; 03-02-2016 at 02:15 AM.

  7. #7
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hossam View Post
    For the Royal Jelly i recommend 2 times a day 4 capsules each dose but not at night time

    The capsules
    Royal Jelly 500 MG

    The fresh one

    Royal Jelly In Honey Ultra Strength

    also reffer to Eric's advice in my thread

    Any suggestions to avoid possible Spinal Disc injury?
    Thanks for this!!! I'll look around for those products

  8. #8
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    It all started last year in July when I had surgery done for ingrown toenails (2 big toes). After the surgery, being bedridden for 3 weeks I developed what I thought was internal hemorrhoids. Since then I have had trouble sitting down, and as the wound of my toes healed, this nerve/joint/bone pain developed more and more in the exact area, slowly escalating up to my ankle. The entire sole of both of my feet would get all red and swollen with this annoying burning pain.

    Mind you the health care system here is horrible, I went to specialist after specialist. Bone specialist couldn't find out any issues. Did an endoscopy exam (42cm deep through the rectum, which was not a nice experience), all is fine with my rectum/colon, stomach specialist pointed out that it could be the tailbone, which is in the area of the rectum. Did xray, went to another specialist and a few sessions with 2 different chiropractors. All again seemed to be well. The Chiros told me that my spine had to be aligned. I started swimming 3 times a week, bought these elasto-gel packs for my lower back and neck... and after a few weeks all of a sudden I have HORRIBLE lower back pain. The Chiro blamed powerlifting/bodybuilding.. however this all developed when I stepped away from compound movements and stopped powerlifting for awhile, training light and swimming. The arrogant chiro ruined my back.

    Finally I got my appointment with the neurologist and today I finally did an EMG and SEP test. Waiting for results.

    In the meantime I have learned to live with pain. Spine pain, rectum area pain, feet pain and insomnia and heavy depression. I'm a taxi driver and I drive a stickshift, so my posture at work and constantly pressing gas and clutch sometimes takes a heavy toll on me.

    So after talking to people, doing research, I have decided to give deca and GH a shot. While staying active, doing a lot of cardio, swimming and lighter training (letting go of the powerlifting mentallity for awhile) and waiting on the results of the Neurologist, and doing an MRI soon (which also has a long waiting list), looking for further options, I have the hope that maybe, just maybe there could be a way to at least reduce some of these pains.

    So here I am, day 1:
    150mg of test mixed with 125mg of deca, shot in the right quad. Went well, a bit ugly, bled a lot, maybe because of the 21G 1 1/2 needle, Friday I'll make sure I have 23G needles. Felt an immediate rise of wellbeing. Depression was completely gone, maybe due to the fast acting test prop? oh yeah, this is what I'm using:

    the medz.jpg

    Test Propionate 50 mg/ml
    Test Cypionate 200 mg/ml

    Super Deca:
    50 mg nandrolone propionate
    50 mg nandrolone phenylpropionate
    75 mg nandrolone laurate
    75 mg nandrolone decanoate

    Both are from Generic Supplements.

    T5 (Basically ECA stack high dosed in one pill), 4 weeks, then switch to albuterol for 4 weeks, and then back to T5.

    And I might add Super Epi Andro to the stack soon.

    I have been on 4iu of HGH for a week now, and will stay at 4iu ed as long as I can afford it (working hard fo da moneeyyy).


    Live Well Pharm 10iu/ML HGH (at 4iu a day for about 10 days now, Im halfway through the bottle), getting another one tomorrow.

    None of the pharmacies had bac water, so I am waiting to see if a guy I know can get me 15ML's of bac water tomorrow, hopefully, so I can start asap with the hCG, which I already have.

    I am so drained right now. Had an excellent leg day even with that bruised right thigh. Felt alive, confident, alpha male mode! I will take some ''before pics'' tomorrow, although this cycle is primairly for recovery/healing purposes, Gains are ALWAYS welcomed.
    Last edited by VayneZ; 03-01-2016 at 10:43 PM.

  9. #9
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Before pics.


    Finally reconstituted my hCG tonight and shot .25 ML (250iu) supQ. Burned a bit heavy but bearable.

    So far I am feeling way better mentally. No depression and I am alpha male !!!! Had a nice training with this girl and then we went to the beach to swim at sunset. it all felt so much better than ever before, mindwise

  10. #10
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if it's the GH or the test and deca is already kicking in fast, but I am HUNGRY! I upped my protein intake. I usually measure my food precisely. Went from 150 grams of fish or turkey to 185 grams and 115 grams of chicken or steak to 135 grams, which are 3x of my daily meals, so should be between 20 - 24 grams of protein more And then upped my total eggs in the morning from 2 whole eggs and 4 whites to 3 whole and 5 whites + roastbeef. Veggies are also upped by 35 grams per meal.

    I will see how this treats me for the following two weeks. If I gain bodyfat, I'm lowering it a bit, adjust it and upping the GH from 4iu to 5-6iu every morning.

    Im investing a lot of money in this cycle.....

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