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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Help - Dr Bouloux

    Guys I really need some help..........

    I have been seeing Dr Bouloux a specialist PFS DR and he said my Thyroid was Coarse and my Liver was fatty

    He then contacts my GP and says this a mood disorder??????

    I feel very close to the edge right now and death feels like the only way out

    Ive been given 100mg viagra everyday it does nothing
    And also cilotropam and again its doing nothing

    I have psoraisis all over my body, seb derm on my face
    extreme ED
    Extreme fatigue and muscle weakness
    Brain fog
    and perhaps my worst symptoms is hypolglycemia attacks when I wake in the morning and afternoon
    Ive gone from 12st footballer to 16st fat belly loser

    Please someone give me a way out

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Daniel, you're going to be alright. Follow Cd's protocol to heal yourself. I'm a year and a half in and have got great results. I know it's extremely rough in the beginning, but if you read these threads you'll see that it is possible to recover. In my situation, my doctors could not help me. The first one told me it was all in my head. The second one listened a little more but gave me no answers. Paid a lot of money to a naturopath also, still no help. Once I fully incorporated Cd's protocol, starting with a juice feast in my case, I began to improve.

    You're going to be okay, just read the threads here and also

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Swill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daniel1286 View Post
    Guys I really need some help..........

    I have been seeing Dr Bouloux a specialist PFS DR and he said my Thyroid was Coarse and my Liver was fatty

    He then contacts my GP and says this a mood disorder??????

    I feel very close to the edge right now and death feels like the only way out

    Ive been given 100mg viagra everyday it does nothing
    And also cilotropam and again its doing nothing

    I have psoraisis all over my body, seb derm on my face
    extreme ED
    Extreme fatigue and muscle weakness
    Brain fog
    and perhaps my worst symptoms is hypolglycemia attacks when I wake in the morning and afternoon
    Ive gone from 12st footballer to 16st fat belly loser

    Please someone give me a way out
    I can chime in here as I went to see Prof Bouloux, making a six hour round trip several times to do so from Wales to Harley Street, London, when PFS first hit in 2013. He claims to believe in PFS but everyone he see's pretty much, he tells them its in their heads. He did similar to me whereby he wrote to my GP (family doctor for those not in the UK) telling them it was in my head and painting me to be a loon. He prescribed me with dostinex and told me to take viagra daily, the only reasons for which with hindsight is for me to 'get back my confidence' from what he clearly thought was a mental issue.

    He admitted during my visits that his two sons take fin, and he is actively involved with drug trails to make 'birth control for men' in the UK, which will undoubtedly bring its own side effects... the trial was basically an injection stopping a man's FSH, and then supplementing with low level testosterone to bring the slightly diminished levels back up to normal. This is not the kind of person you want advising you with regard to PFS... don't waste another penny on professor bollocks.

    Your way out is already documented here Daniel. I can hear the desperation in your message, and can assure you that you are not alone... that was me too. I suggest you go to the recovery sticky at the top of this page and look up mine, to see how possible it is to heal from where you are now. You desperately want a silver bullet to make things better but there isn't one, but with hard work and following the stuff that CannonBalls linked you too, as I have, with time you can totally beat this thing and go on to better than you have ever felt in your life.

    This is your way out man,s top panicking yourself to death and know that you have finally found the right place... now get to it and you'll be feeling better with time. Oh, and ditch the medication if you can... if you have a girlfriend then occasional viagra to get the deed done is fine and was something I used, but there is no need or benefit for it daily.

  4. #4
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Durantia37's Avatar
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    For what it's worth, I've only been doing the protocol mentioned above for about 3 months and I'm already getting good results. I was suicidal for months over this shit, totally unnecessarily. It's impossible not to be terrified in the beginning, but later you see how unnecessary and harmful it is.

  5. #5
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Thanks for feedback guys - but im in such a bad way I dont think I can even begin to look at and understand the protocol

    Is there any must do parts that I can look at because I cant explain how foggy my brain is

  6. #6
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    I suggest reading the recoveries section and in particular Chi's recovery on the second page.
    If you have the money, to pay for gut/Adrenal tests etc you could see a functional medicine doctor or nutritional therapist for more specialised help. They would put you on a protocol similar to Chi's/CD's but may have differences based on your results.
    This is much better than throwing your money at Bouloux.

    Or, simply follow a protocol such as CD's or Chi's and stick with it. Either one should get you there in the end.

  7. #7
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Thanks all of you - any positives you can give me are really helpful....

    Ive had all bloods etc every test you name it

    Pro Bouloux looked at my thyroid on ultra sound and said it looked very coarse but he did not mention this in the letter to GP (my mum and sister both are hypothy)

    Ive paid for private cortisol tests and they all come back super high in the morning / but low in the urnine
    Again Im sure I have cyclical cushings

    But the worst symptom I can not cope with is the hyopglycemic attacks? So how do I attempt a juice feast?

  8. #8
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Also guys somehow Ive managed to take up smoking in the last 6 months as I find it helps during low blood sugar attacks

  9. #9
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Durantia37's Avatar
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    What kind of diet are you eating? Worst possible thing for your hypoglycemic attacks is eating high fat foods with carbs and then sitting down. Make sure you're moving around a lot in between meals. I was stuck in a catch-22 for awhile where my body craved fats and sugar all the time from high cortisol, but when I ate them I'd get blood sugar crashes. Best solution I found was walking or exercising after eating carbs.

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Duranti Im eating well etc good nutrition but when these attacks strike I have to combat them with sugar ie a choc bar and a red bull else I will literally pass out

    How is your recovery going?

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