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  1. #1
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    Introduction of pssd sufferer

    Hey. Im here as a last resort to adress my issues and help me gain some sort of optimism to face life again.

    When i was 17 i was prescribed cipralex from a "professional". It was supposed to help me cope in a difficult situation in my life.
    3 hours after i took the first dose i noticed full sexual sides. I called the doctor and told him i wanted to stop/switch the meds. I was told the side effects would subside if i took the drug for longer.. I finally stopped it after 9 days to feel human and i woke up with complete impotence/loss of libido/genital numbness. As it didnt go away the following days-weeks i searched into the internet and read about post ssri sexual dysfunction (pssd). I seemed to be permanent judging by the reports, and my life seemed to have ended.

    I somehow found the courage to accept the fact that i was probably been castrated for life, and i moved on with my life (started exercising, going to school, have some hobbies). Deep down i was feeling detached and lost though. I made two "relationships" with girls that where attracted to me and flirting all the time. I did it more to avoid looking like a weirdo and to try to feel human again. Of course things didnt work and i had lost whatever of my self esteem had remained.

    After one year of pssd and trying many possible treatments (from antidepressants that boost libido, to herbal supplements and vitamins and special workout programs and diets) i decided to try viagra as well although i didnt believe it would make any difference.

    Well the results at 50mg were good, and when i tried the 100mg dose on empty stomach i realised i had found a friend that made me capable to get back in the game. FULL remission of erection problems.

    Ok to keep it short from then on, viagra gave me some confidence, i started chasing girls again, and 3 years later i had started seeing real improvements in pssd! I also had an 8 month relationship with a very beautiful girl and things worked GREAT and i felt like i was blessed and i was given a second chance in life! I wasnt sexually 100% pre-pssd, more of 65% but life was more than livable, it was enjoyable!

    Anyway i somehow managed to ruin my recovery 2 months ago. I had sex with a girl and she asked me to do it again without letting me rest. I always suspected that too many orgasms in a short time would be bad for pssd but i enganged anyway. After the second orgasm i had a huge "crash" where all the symptoms of pssd returned in full force.

    Since then i have recovered in some areas but what has remained and persists is :genital numbness and lack of pleasure. E.d is worsened also, but it varies. I feel like im in deep shit again. The last month i have barely managed to survive from suicide and i have lost most of my contacts (friends etc). I cant accept i have to start things all over.

    Im willing to follow any protocol-programm if it increases my chances to get back to the livable level.

    I have a few questions though:

    Is diet and lifestyle changes enough to adress the damage in the neurosteroid system that ssris-finasteride-saw palmetto cause?

    Do guys that follow the protocols really feel better regarding sexual and physiqal symptoms? Or are the protocols more likely to improve overall health and make it for someone easier to live with a condition?

    Did the guys that recover had severe symptoms before?

    Im not implying that what youre guys doing here is not valid. Its oustanding how positive this place is, especially compared to other places online, and i respect the effort. But some people underestimate this and support than the only thing we can hope for is a chemical treatment that will help us. (both pfs and pssd suffereres)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and sorry for the long post. Any advice is welcome.

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Read this site and follow CD's protocol Total Male Optimization

    Take it seriously, be strong willed and you will heal yourself. It is possible.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    you can recover and follow CD's protocol to balance yourself out, or you can keep crashing. You're body will be in a vulnerable state until you really regain your balance, which is very challenging, but doable. You have to put all of your energy into fixing this problem, and you will come out better than you started. I just made a big post on what has worked for me, but there are many people here who have posted that will lead you in the right direction. you got this. remember that you have to be mentally balanced as well, and although you may feel hopeless, remember that this isn't permanent, you will get better, and those negative thoughts will only impede your recovery, so there is no more use for them. all of your thoughts should be focused on getting better, getting balanced, and creating a positive headspace. fake it until you start believing it. you got this.

  4. #4
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    Hey Jones. In the same situation as you. Welcome.

    Ive already seen some benefits from following the protocol and I haven't even fasted yet. You and I are one of the only pssd people to document our run with a PFS protocol. I do think we are in a similar situation, the body is in extreme imbalance and can't find equilibrium without assistance.

    Anyways, keep your head up and take it day by day and we will make it through.

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