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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    New Approach: to follow the protocol

    Hello guys!

    Im kind of new here at the forum, so I want to take the opportunity to get into further details concerning my PFS story first:
    I took Fin for about 8 years beginning in my early 20s with no major sides while on it. Actually I had very high libido and gained lots of muscles. Last year of taking Fin I got heavy pain in my balls, digestive problems and low energy. Quitting Finasteride in November 2018 I got fully knocked out with severe lack of Testosterone (150ng/dl) and Neurosteroids. My symptoms, you name it: no libido at all, ED, insomnia, depression, meibomian gland dysfunction, heavy sweating, 10kg of muscle loss (from 80 to 70) within a few weaks, and anxiety. The next weaks/months I was improving most of my sides very fast (maybe 80% of pre PFS) until maybe May 2019, following a gradually worsening until November 2019, where I again saw an Endocrinologist. These were the results of my hormonal status:

    LH 1.6 U/l (2-10)
    FSH 4.2 U/l (1-7)
    Prolaktin 243 mU/l (<500)
    Testosteron 8.0 nmol/l (>12)
    SHBG 23 nmol/l (11-71)
    freies Testo 189 pmol/l (>250)
    Östradiol not measurable, too low (<250)
    PSA 0.3 ug/l (<4)
    DHT 0.35 nmol/l (0.50-2.00)
    25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D3 21.1 ug/l (25-70)
    Cortisol basal 133 ng/ml (62.4-180)
    IGF-I (restand.) 168ng/ml (63.4-223)
    TSH 1.01 uU/ml (0.27-4.2)
    freies T3 3.01 pg/ml (2.0-4.4)
    freies T4 1.35 ng/dl (0.93-1.7)
    Androstendion 1.52 ng/ml (1.3-3.8)
    17-OH-Progesteron 1.87 nmol/l (0.15-4.85)
    DHEAS basal 4.47 ug/ml (0.89-4.27)

    eGFR (CKD-EPI): 78 (>90)

    At this time almost every initial problem (not the depression) which I had to face during the crash had returned. The Doc diagnosed secondary hypogonadism and got me to take tamoxifen (20mg/day). I took this first cycle 6 weeks, followed by a pause of 8 weeks, and 2nd cycle for 16 weeks. My Testo went up to about 1000ng/dl, so did DHT accordingly. Although my doc told me to take it for about a year and I've experienced some good results concerning erection and energy (was able to do sports again after 3 months on tamoxifen), I gave up last week cause I wasn’t able to handle the complete insomnia, heat attacks and burning sensations in my arms and legs.

    That’s so far. Right now I’m kind of helpless, since my doc said to take it at least a year to see longterm results, but I can’t handle the tamoxifen sides anymore. Is there anybody here around to know if 4 months could be enough in order to raise LH longterm and get rid off the hypogonadism? Or what else could I do?

    For now I don't want to continue the doctor's guide anymore and try the protocol mentioned here. Given the fact that I quit tamoxifen about 10 days ago, when is the correct time to start the juice fast? First wait what hormones do or go for it now immediately?

    Thank you very much for any advice.
    Last edited by stopfin; 09-06-2020 at 01:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    I think CD would say to start the fast as soon as you’re able to. I haven’t heard of anyone succeeding, or at least it seems very rare for someone to succeed, using medications from doctors, unfortunately. So I do think that you’re headed down the right path, and the big thing is going to be to just follow the protocol and to do it strictly.

    Good luck, and feel free to have a sort of progress journal here so others can follow along on your journey. We’re in this together.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    ok, thank you for your advice. I continue on reading all the stuff and hope to be ready for the juice fast beginning of next week. Trying for 7 days initially.

  4. #4
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    which T boosting herbs seem to be best working in your opinion? I try to cycle 7 of them in the beginning and already have ashwaganda and tribulus.

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