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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Ethics - Ped's in sports

    Besides the thread's title, which should be discussed here, I want a question of mine answered as well, if you guys would be so kind... ( Thank you in advance ).

    Specifically me- I am interested in performance enhancing drugs and what not, to perform better in my grappling endeavors and to look better. I do plan on competing in grappling tournaments and this next endeavor is a big maybe, but possibly MMA as well ( would be down the road ).

    Would it be un-ethical of me to use any kind of prohormone, steroid, pro-steroid, while I am training in Jits? Especially with me wanting to compete. I'm going to assume the playing field out there in the grappling scene, ( mostly local ), is natural.... ( color me as stupid if a lot of blokes are using though )

    Should I not give myself an unfair advantage and stay natural? Or should I dabble in a mild cycle and only think of myself?

    Help me sort this one out guys!

  2. #2
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    Hmm. this is a tough question and one which I can't fully answer, but I have a few things to offer. in most martial arts, there is some kind of an expectation of respect, given and received, and honor. if you would feel comfortable with your sensei knowing, for example, that you use prohormones then maybe it can be something you can use in good conscience. that's what i would say. but strictly speaking, MMA has gone beyond the scope of what is a martial art and turned into more of an exhibition (at least it feels that way to me), and i'm sure many more guys than you know use PEDs. i would probably say it's about the same number that take them in any local gym. maybe the organization that puts on the local bouts has some kind of rule book. if PEDs are banned, whether you're tested or not, then it is unethical to use them.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    be retarded to need peds at the white belt level, regardless if others use.......jmo but if you need drugs at the ground level, odds are you wont go very no

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) h2s's Avatar
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    Re: Ethics - Ped's in sports

    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    be retarded to need peds at the white belt level, regardless if others use.......jmo but if you need drugs at the ground level, odds are you wont go very no don't need it.

  5. #5
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    be retarded to need peds at the white belt level, regardless if others use.......jmo but if you need drugs at the ground level, odds are you wont go very no
    When you put it like that, it makes toal sense and the orignal idea silly. I dont think I need it for performance, but the only other 2 qualities that are remotely attractive are, looking better, and strengthening my lower back ( even further ). The honour thing though is something that would definetly stop me unless maybe I was competing at a high level and the playing field was "level".

    It does make one wonder though, where the unfair advantage starts and ends. Supplements really dont improve performance to that high of a degree, such as steroids, but caffiene and creatine do give a slight boost in some aspects. I think most other supplements may help in recovery and supporting nitrogen balance, such as bcaa's, amino acids, protein powder, etc... Ph's and DS are the next step, but it seems almost anti-intuitive with so many adverse side effects and the need to run short cycles. But Ph's and DS do boost size or and strength at un-natural rates as well.

    Just makes me wonder if the lines are blurred in my local meta.

  6. #6
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    PEDs and sports just shouldn't be used together. If you compete against someone else that's natural and the only reason you eked out the win was from PEDs!! How's that gong to leave you feeling??
    Now with that said PEDs do make the sports funner to watch thou. Baseball was the biggest deal ever win Mark and Sammy juiced and had a home run record breaking season. Same thing with Berry Bonds. Good thing about all that is the teams didn't do good just the individual players.
    All im trying to say is keep the playing field level and stay drug free unless everyone else is on PEDs to and even then try without the first and see how you fair.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    losing weight will improve your back and looks

    seems like a pattern here, masking the real issue with a search for more supps or now phs

    your flexibilty, cardio, back n knee pain will all improve the more weight you drop

  8. #8
    Established Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) USN HM 350Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    losing weight will improve your back and looks

    seems like a pattern here, masking the real issue with a search for more supps or now phs

    your flexibilty, cardio, back n knee pain will all improve the more weight you drop
    Totally agree with this ^. I have had back pain for the longest time. My back is my strongest part also. When I deployed I lost almost 30lbs due to lack of proper nutrition and a few months with no weights to train with. My back pain is all but gone now. I am actually very happy right now at 225 and will be looking at just increasing strength and lowering body fat. I don't think i will go back to the 250+ club again as I am performing better at almost everything right now (except for strength).

  9. #9
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    losing weight will improve your back and looks

    seems like a pattern here, masking the real issue with a search for more supps or now phs

    your flexibilty, cardio, back n knee pain will all improve the more weight you drop
    Lose the weight then start think about supps, ph/ds, roids, and all that stuff.
    I was in your position just a few years ago and I was a Fucking supp junkie!
    I would buy so much shit and then never use it because I knew it would be a waste, and right now I have thousands of dollars worth of supps at my house that I finally feel I can use and actually put them to use.
    Funny thing is once you lose the weight you'll no longer want to take or spend crazy money on supps!!!
    Do I regret buying all that stuff??? NO!!
    Was it stupid?? YES

    What I've learned is the best supps are the ones you provide in the kitchen and gym. I look at lifting, cardio, and food as a supps know because its making me better and enhancing myself at the sametime.

  10. #10
    Established Member Feedback Score 2 (100%) Coolazice's Avatar
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    If you're not getting paid to compete and it's not a tested competition - then it's not cheating, IMO. (Unless you're on the losing end of things and not using - then it is.... sorta ) lol jk
    Last edited by Coolazice; 12-23-2012 at 01:31 PM.

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