This was posted on another forum from someone i helped recover from taking HRT and using res100 and a few other supplements and drugs to help with the transition from HRT to now being natural. The doctors said he needed to be on HRT, looks like i have proven otherwise...

Gday, thought i would share some info that i have gathered over the last year about my experience with crashed hormones ,TRT, and now trying to recover from trt.

It all started at the start of the year as i was feeling like shit, tired and no motivation to do anything I got into a bit of a shell and started being a bit anti social and sleeping alot i was depressed and friends family started to notice it.
It had been a solid 5 months since i had cycled and used a standard pct i was convinced i was recovered but little did i know until i got bloods done.

The main hormones i had test then were
TSH 1.3mU/L (0.4-4.00)
Prolactin 6ug/L (<15)
LH 2 U/L (3-20)
Oestradiol 47 pmol/L (<150) BEFORE
Total T 6 nmol/l (5.0-25.0)
free T 11 pmol/L (60.0-130.00)
HDL 1.o9mnol/L above 1.0
LDL 2.22mnol/L below 2.0

As you can see my levels were shit house back then i din't eat enough good fats and was really over training alot.

I was put on trt after a bunch of tests that all come back clear.
I felt an instant hit of energy, happieness and motivation and quickly put on 5-6kg in the space of a few months, but i also noticed more bloat.
I was taking primoteston 250mg every 10 days and was happy until my nuts started hurting for no reason and when i cummed they would throb like they were empty and dry trying to push something out but was an extra effort to do so, this started putting me off, 3 months in i started adex at .25 eod which worked great. My levels when on trt 5 days after shot were

FSH <0.5
LH < 0.5
glucose, random fl-ox 5.3 (3.0-6.9 nmol/L)
DHea sulphate 9.4 umol/L (4.8 - 13.9)
prolactin 12.4 (<20.0)
oestradiol 168 pmol/L (<150) ON TRT
Total T 28.8 nmol/L (8.0-30.0)
tsh (mIU/L 1.30 (0.35-5.50)
I started adex after this test.

I decided to come off and wanted to try get levels up as much as i could natty with supps healthy diet and good fats.
I started alot of research on the net came across the power pct and o.n.
im glad i took his advise as its been a smooth transition in coming off trt to natty, i have not lost one bit of libido the whole time and gained some if anything!!
2 weeks after last shot of primoteston i started hcg @ 2500iu eod for 8 shots in total the day i started this i also started res100 and toco caps at the daily dose, 3 hcg shots in had me feeling the estro that came with the large hcg shots so i also started 20-40mg nolva ed to prevent gyno i used the novla for a week after finishing the hcg as well as res100 and toco caps the whole time. Once i dropped the nolva i used clomid at 25mg ed for the next 2weeks i dint really want to use clomid as it makes me feel like shit so i thought a dose of 25mg ed wouldnt give me the bad sides and it didnt, i also started using a daa, and a zma product with the res100 and toco caps(vit e).
I can say the res100 and toco caps did work great for me my loads were huge was always horny and sex was extra sensitive its like i was a virgin again lol this stuff dose work if you stick to it and consume loads of good fat, i take about 50-100ml evoo ed as well as 350g fresh salmon eod and 8 whole eggs ed.

So i got bloods done today its been 8 weeks since stopping trt and 2 weeks after i stopped clomid @25mg ed and i am still using res100 toco caps zma daa, and the results are a step forward in the right direction only prob is e2 a little high as well as shbg and free test is low.

Prolactin 10 ug/L (<15)
LH 12 u/L (3-20)
FSH 4 U/L (3-20)
e2 130 pmol/L (<150) After TRT new results
total test 26 nmol/L (10.0-33.0)
free test 48 pmol/L (60.0-130.0)
SHBG 40 nmol/L (13-71)

DHEAS 3900 ug/L (1000-4000)
The dr asked if i was on anything else as my dheas are high unsure why its high like this or if its a bad thing.

So now im looking at getting my shbg down to up my free test , it has been sugested to use a natural anti aromataze but unsure what he suggested A-HD.

I will also add im sick atm also trying to get over a head cold sore throat so not sure if that would of affected new test results