Do shipments from UK supplement warehouses "always" get seized by customs? Does US law allow for PH/DS that are not scheduled (i.e. AB/AH/AM) to be imported from UK? How about products such as those one can order from w w w .jwsupplements (dot) co (dot) uk (i.e. Superdrol). Does the quantity ordered affect the likely outcome of making it past an overpaid/under-worked customs agent...(i.e. ordering "personal use" a bottle or two...or three/four...not 25 =)). Are recipients of said products "flagged" or FDA raided at their abode once they retrieve said items from their mailbox? Most there a difference between items that are say..."scheduled" and those that are simply not DSEHA/FDA approved when it comes to ordering? I mean, what's the difference between ordering say...Dragon Nutrition SD vs. same UK site for AL Tren?

As always, thanks for your knowledge/experience.
