
Just finished my Test E + Mast run and got bloods a couple of days after really just to see where things stand before PCT.

Turns out liver values are pretty elevated. AST 125 and ALT 112. Should I give it some time or get on some TUDCA right away?

Other than that, I think everything is as expected. High red blood cell values (hemoglobin and hematocrit)
Skyrocket test and estradiol, low LH and FSH. The only other thing that came up in my pre-cycle bloods and is here again is high BUN, at 33. I'm chalking it up to high protein diet, but i've dribbled a bit more when peeing, which I considered to be some prostate enlargement. Way off?

Sorry if some of those questions are dumb, but this is my 1st injectable cycle and I wanna make sure I do it right.
