I submit to you my final thoughts...

I can say with certainty that this stack has provided exceptional increases in strength and endurance. I was wrenching 55-pound dumbbell curls at the end of the cycle, which I haven't done in two years, and my squat went back up to 335 with a relative amount of ease.

This is my second time running the Intimidate, and people were calling bullshit on me at PP when I claimed that it gave PH-like strength increases. I was even wondering if I was being truthful with myself. But history repeated itself on the Triumph stack and the strength came back. Even playing guitar at shows, my fretting hand felt stronger and more stable.

I credit the CNS stimulation of the Intimidate for most of this.

Besides the strength increases, I had great sleep quality, slight leaning, an increase in acne, slightly oilier skin and felt more alpha.

Now, for the downside (literally).

I have serious reason to believe that the Intimidate elevated my prolactin levels. Reason being, I had a reasonably concerning amount of erectile issues while taking it. I WANTED to have sex, but maintaining a good quality erection was tough.

This is NOT normal for me.

I took a couple days off of the Intimidate and the erectile function improved. Got back on it, and it went to hell. I know it wasn't the Tropinol XP because I tested for a few days just taking it and everything was fine.

Even a PDE5 inhibitor won't help when prolactin increases, and studies suggest that DAA raises it.

Moral of the story, next time I will buy Prolactrone by Black Lion Research and won't have this problem, hopefully.

As far as the Tropinol XP is concerned... dynamite stuff. Aggression and power is off the charts. This stuff blows any pre-workout supplement out of the water, without even an inkling of the jitters. But you must be careful, as it will exacerbate a short temper like it's no one's business.

I'd buy this stack again, with the right precautions for prolactin.

And in case anyone is wondering, iForce did NOT give me the product. I bought it at Nutraplanet. Although it would be awesome if they'd comp me one, seeing as I sold so much Intimidate for them the first time around with my PP log