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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 olddawg's Avatar
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    The real reason for Olddawg and H2s's parting, it's time the truth come out

    Mod Edit: the following was an early April Fool's joke. If you haven't met OldDawg yet, here's your intro...

    Hi everyone, after what seems quite a long time away I have created an account to set the record straight. The dispute between Heretostudy and I on the PP board was deeper than it appeared. Hopefully, he has had time now to digest things and won't delete this post as I feel I have to get it off of my chest. Once the raid occurred at PP, I contacted the reps to see if i could get any remaining product that they had. H2s was first on the list and he had what I wanted so I arranged to actually meet with him to pick it up. I thought a workout together, eat some red meat, and then do the transaction would be a great experience. Chicago is only about 4 hours for me so the travel wasn't a big deal.

    I got to the outskirts of town and he texted me that he was going to be late and that I should meet his girlfriend (let's call her bessy) for an hour or so until he could catch up. It was a cool little blues bar, clean and trendy, a really cool experience for a Canadian country boy. I met with bessy and bought her a drink, I don't drink anymore but i thought that I probably should have one with her just so I didn't seem rude.

    Well, long story short we had more than we should have, one thing led to another and I ended up crossing the line that bros should never cross. Once we were finished I couldn't bare to face h2s so I hopped back into my car and came straight home. She must have told him cause there was some crazy aggression in his posts to me so I fought back. We ended up combining the bad stuff in pm's with the stuff you saw in the thread and then I decided just to walk away to end it all.

    I'd like to apoligize to you heretostudy, what happened was never my intent. things got outta hand and well you have a very hot girlfriend. I have came clean with my wife at home and as a result we are in the middle of a separation. Not sure how that will turn out, I kinda miss having clean laundry and my chicken cooked for me.

    So there you have it. I completely expect a thorough flaming. What I did was terrible and there was no excuse for it. Once again, my apologies.

    Last edited by burlyman30; 03-30-2013 at 11:14 PM.

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