body weight: 250.8

150 x 5
260 x 3
350 x 3
460 x 2 add wraps
add Inzer predator briefs (size 38)
530 x 1 (really high needed to get briefs up higher)
600 x 1 (much better)
added old metal king squater (single ply non adjustable)
added stands + 3 mats
700 x 1 straps up
800 x 1 straps up

Leg press (wide as I could go)
555 x 10
645 x 10
735 x 10

Calves on leg press
735 x 8 x 3

Situps holding 25# DB behind head x 12 x 3

Felt great today! Lots of energy, great stamina. That 800 is one matt less then I did 2 weeks ago. And considering I was using an old suit over some borrowed briefs I feel good about it. I paused it on the stands before standing with it. used the wide leg press to stretch out my hips. Give them some work. Just feeling good, much better then last week.