As a few people know, I am entered in the Masters' Division Mr Seoul 2013 contest. Now one week out. My coach also has put me into the Mr. Korea 2013 contest, as it is only eleven days later. In the meantime, the KBBF announced that I could "participate" but, because I'm a big-nosed, round-eye, I could not "compete", i.e., I'd be ineligible to win, place or show.

Since then, my Korean posse of gym buddies have been busy. Unbeknownst to me, they lobbied hard and got the KBBF to reverse its position. Now, however, KBBF has been over-ruled by its governing authority, 대한민국 제욕 협회, the Korean Athletic Association, which is an instrumentality of the Ministry of Tourism, Sports, etc. I was going to let the KBBF slide, but my "Don't Tread on Me" instincts went into high gear given the new circumstances of official government discrimination. So after briefly consulting with a staff member, who seemed to think I had a good case, I filed a complaint at 국가 인권위원회, the National Human Rights Commission.

Haven't heard back, and have no idea whether they will act quickly enough to make a difference. I may just have to win by acclamation.