The past 2 months have been nothing but a stress fest for me. My place of work getting shut down, me staying behind at the building to deal with all the property (army facility, I'm civilian), then being relocated to a new facility.

I've been dealing with so much, but managing to make it. I started work at my new job 2 weeks ago (I'm a mechanic), and they put me on a machine without proper training. Now, 2 weeks later, I'm waiting on an orthopedic surgeon to contact me so that the tops of my middle and pointer fingers on my left hand can be cleaned up because the machine smashed and ripped them up.

Needless to say, gym is out of the question. Typing is bad enough with 2 less fingers. So, I've been totally out of the gym for 2 weeks now and I'm losing my mind. Is there anything I can do to try and keep my muscle? It'll be a while before I'll be grabbing anything with my full left hand, months easily. I'm already down 4 lbs from the sudden stop.

Or should I just suck it up, take 100% time off and come back when I'm healed up?