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  1. #1
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    Formastanzol and Forerunner's Reboot

    Currently running a 10 week cut cycle of Transaderm/AHv3/11 oxo and looking ahead to PCT and beyond. I'm really intrigued by Formastanzol (also looked at Formasurge but I really like the overall profile of Formastanzol) and Reboot, though I've never tried either. I'm planning on picking up a bottle of each to try out. What I'm looking to do is run one followed by the other. I know I could stack them but I'd really like to try them each solo to get a good feel for them. Every other cycle I've ran I followed with Primordial's TRS for PCT then a bottle or two of Phytotest for a good natty solo run which always worked out very well, was good at helping to keep strength and libido up well after cycle. I'm thinking I may do something similar with these products. The question is, which should I run first for my PCT and which would be good for a solo run following it?

    Diet wise, I plan on keeping calories still somewhat low, either at or slightly below maintenance. I'd like to keep leaning up through the rest of the summer. I'm thinking the Reboot for 4 weeks, then Formastanzol for 6 weeks after. I've read where both can be beneficial for PCT as well as a good non-hormonal solo cycle. The cycle I'm currently on isn't that suppressive and from what I found on them it seems either should be adequate for PCT. Thoughts? Also, any product feedback from those who have used these would be welcome too!
    Last edited by Strong_Guy; 05-10-2013 at 12:40 AM.

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