Quote Originally Posted by olddawg View Post
I actually verbalize when people are like that. I'll say things, as uncomfortable as they may be-but true, "wow, that's pretty judgmental, did you get a new appointment I don't know about?" Or, "I don't recall asking your opinion, when I want it I will ask though, thank you." Those statements if you are polite about it are just being assertive and totally within your rights to ask or say. The mother in law one day actually asked me how much fish oil I took, I told her then she ripped on me for spending so much money lmfffffffao! so calmly, I asked her what she thought was a better use of cash, spending $14 on a bottle of wine every day, or $25/month on fish oil for my health. She didn't answer, so I pushed and said if you want to talk to me about my life and health, and preach how I should be acting, not that you have the right to do so cause you're not my mother and even my mother knows better at my age lol, you had better first better ask to see if your opinion is welcomed. I'm sorry but I won't be told how to eat by someone who spends 20x what I do on fish oil per week on booze. In the future I'd rather not discuss my health, thank you. so,,,,, we smile when she comes over, I go in the garage lol, and then we smile when she leaves. A person who wants to dictate to me is not worth having in my life. she's my wife's mother and that's it. Stand up for wwho you are, what you believe, tell others to shut the fuck up (in so many words) and mind their own business. No need to be around people like that, rid your life of them.
I reckon this is something that anyone that lifts will have to deal with, sooner or later.

The cost of fish oil when they're spending £££ on booze is a familiar one, lucky they don't know what else you're buying