An interesting phenomenon has been happening to me for the past couple of weeks. When having sex, I ejaculate prior to having the feeling of an orgasm. As well, the orgasm will come maybe 20 seconds after ejaculating but I have to work to make it happen. it's like the sound being behind on a bad movie lol. I've not come across this anywhere yet anyway so I thought I'd share.

currently on 500mg enth and 40mg var, before that I was on low test/mast/tren (since mid March), even though I was on some heavy doses of letro, caber, I still experienced lumps under the nipples and some sensitivity. Once I stopped the tren things backed off a bit, lumps are still there but a bit smaller.

I am having some prostate swelling and urine flow is just more than a steady drip. on a cutting diet and eca as well, although I am really weak today and could only get 4 reps out in squats with 3 plates so I'll take sat and sun off and carb up a bit. joints are a bit sore.

it's not really a problem just strange. My guess is that the prostate being swollen is maybe bumping into something down there and triggering the ejaculation prematurely? Once the fluid is released I continue to have an errection until I orgasm. Anyone hear of this or have any ideas?