things are quiet so I thought I'd toss this up. I've been cutting for a bit now, started on tren and just down to test and var. I'm hypothyroid and on a script to keep it working properly, but the tren always slows my thyroid and makes cutting nearly impossible. It takes quite a few weeks for it to return to normal after stopping the tren so getting the metabolism up and keeping it there is maybe 2-3x the work of a normal person.

and I'm getting fucking tired lol.

body is getting beat down, doing 45 min cardio and walking about an hour a day, sore elbows making curls and pulling motions nearly impossible, knees are stiff and I just noticed that strength has come down quite a bit and I could only do half as many reps squatting 3 plates as I normally do. That was thurs, so I took Fri, sat and sun totally off, ate some carbs and some junk food, this morning's fasted cardio I felt strong and body had a good rest so I'm back at it.

I ran into this last spring and ended up bailing out cause I just wasn't into the cut as much, but this year I swear I will do it and laugh in the face of this fucking thyroid. I've got about 6 weeks left to the cycle and hope to drop 10-12lbs of fat still. i'm sitting today at about 219 though I think I've lost some size in my quads.

On burly's thread on peps I decided to reconstitute a couple of bottles and they were effective for the first 3-5 days or so, then nothing noticeable other than hunger which is deadly for me right now.

so that's where od sits, old man fighting away at the body that just wants to sit around, eat chips and get fat