Quote Originally Posted by markam View Post
Just saw the mention of Carpal tunnel syndrome as a possible side from Protolactrone? I find that very hard to believe, but it would be good to get a opinion from Jelisej and Infamy if possible.
There's another thread on here, Markam, where someone else said they were using Prolactrone and they were asking if Carpal Tunnel is possible on it. What's funny is, I have been having numbness and tingling that is symptomatic of carpal tunnel, but I did not even think to consider the Prolactrone until I saw that thread yesterday and it made me think of it. My carpal tunnel symptoms begin a couple days after starting Prolactrone.

Is it coincidence? Maybe. Who knows, but there are two of us feeling it, and I had no preconceived notions at all about it so it isn't my mind expecting it and placeboing me.