Quote Originally Posted by Grape Ape View Post
Not a lot bothers me, but here are 3.

People with earbuds in blasting music. They are usually singing/rapping along as if everyone needs to hear the awesome music they listen too. They don't hear you when you say "excuse me" when they are in your way, and they seem oblivious to the rest of the gym.

When a group of kids(3-4+) all lift together. As if no one else needs to use the bench. This isn't your hangout spot. If you want a workout partner that is fine, but 3 is too much.

When someone obviously u.experienced and not well trained is giving out terrible lifting experience. Noobz should not train noobz.
Hahaha. I know how that feels.

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Quote Originally Posted by BBG View Post
Other: Big guy training a small guy as if the small guy was a big guy.
Small guy has to get big too BBG!!!!! Lol