Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post

guys sizing me up every walk to the water fountain, staring while they chat and do nada, and thinking 'hes on steroids, thats why', as opposed to all the work iv done in the last 35min vs their set of fkn synchronized lat raises with shit form, then sit on a pair of benches n chat.........
that and the people who ask for advice or when you feel social and give advice, they nod in approval, then immediately go back to their shitty ways, only to ask the same question 4mos later

this fkn *** who thought he was cool with me, finally one day asked me how to grow, i said eat and eat more, he says he does but he has a fast metabolism, mind you his gut protrudes from his sweater and pops out when he does pulldowns, so i tell him if its so fast wheres the abs, he says he eats bad, ding fkn ding.....1yr later he still looks like mouse shit

i get the 'oh you are a vegetarian, you gotta take steroids, so are big'.....my answer 'how old are you? 22? im 32, 10yrs plus more on than not gym eating wise, thats fkn why'......he refuses to accept how meticulous i can be with cals to remain cut and pumped, its a fkn chore finding 300g protein without meat, even on, 6 sets of 15 of 3plates squats isnt easy....oh but his ass is in the shitty leg press cause he heard squats are bad for your fkn legs.....yep, fkn goof

lastly, those fkn cycling shorts the spinning guys use then come lift a little, where their cock n balls migh as well be out

lastly x2.....the cunts who think they are bad and try and out lift you.....i do 45-60lbs for hammers, light really, for reps, so this fkn aids kid starts going heavier, slams em down and stares at me using the mirror.....my arm is 21inches, so he can fkn lift 200lbs for all i care

ill be back with more after i smoke this bat

Lol ahahaha ha. Best response. I think lastly x2 was the highlight. I'd love to hear this rant in person. Lol.

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Quote Originally Posted by NOA View Post
I could be just me.. but when you grab your dumbells at the rack- please pick a fucking spot, other than right where you picked em up at. I either want to get the dumbells I need, or drop them off ( and their not usually light ) at the rack, so dont pump out lateral raises, dumbell curls and do whatever, while getting the HD shot in the mirror. Reserve that strip/lane in front of the racks as a pick up and drop off point only!
BRO, you don't see me lifting this heavy weight??? I don't train hips so if I move wrong I might pull something in my groin.

Hehehehe. Usually these guys grunt often if I'm not mistaken.