Quote Originally Posted by Sperwer View Post
Did the next to last shot of Parabolan before the contest today. Will do another Wednesday, and that's it - at least for a month to six weeks. My final appearance during the local contest season will be 2 months later in September at the local iteration of Muscle Mania, where there is no Masters Division and I will be competing against the 20-30 somethings in the regular heavyweight division. Yikes! Looking ahead, I am considering another little four week Para run in August before Muscle Mania, but I won't make any decisions about that until the end of July, when I'll assess where I'm at then. I only plan to take off a couple days after Sunday's contest, but then I'll be in Bali as the corporate spouse for two weeks, and I'm not sure how much I'll get done. At best a couple of deload weeks in a hotel gym, I suppose, which the old bones probably could use by that time.
Hotel food + Hotel gyms, I'm sure you've got plenty of experience making this work, but that sounds like quite a challenge.