Finally got a hold of a bottle of E-Spray, thanks to our very own USN HM 35oz and Qunol Supps for irresponsibly sending me a shit ton of COQ10 demo bottles.

Anyway, I'll be using this to finish up my 8 week stano/dermacrine cut, and was wondering about running two transdermals together. I usually apply Dermacrine first thing in the morning, but I know if I take Epiandro at night, I can't sleep.

The E-Spray is a light alcohol carrier that dries on very easily. Should I apply the E-Spray, let it dry, and then apply Dermacrine over? Or will this cause absorption and skin enzyme conversion issues? Should I give it a few hours inbetween each other?

I also have a bottle of eviscerate smolder I would like to use, but in that case I'll leave my abs clear of any other product. This is total transdermal takeover.

Okay that's all for now.
