Ok so, this forum is a very solid forum with a very good feel for what is legit and what is not from what I have seen.

There are a million products out there.

What would you guys like to see Prescription Nutrition produce?? And please be realistic. It cannot be some exotic supplement that only one or two people would purchase or use.

The reality is that Mike and PN is committed to its customers...but at the end of the day the product has to be a good seller and make a small amount of money. PN is not a greedy company, but they have bills to pay. To obtain a product, bottle it, make labels, market it, and hold onto the stock, it costs a ton of money and up front. And many times there is minimal profit. Its very hard to understand all that it entails if you have not done it before and I have, so I know what it is like.

With that being said and done, can you guys give me some potential ideas of "NEW" products that you would like to see or be interested in?? What kind of products do you find that other companies have that you wish were at a lower price possibly, a higher quality and the type of C/S that PN is able to give to you??

I am open for ANY and ALL ideas. If we can get some consistent agreements I will approach Mike with the idea.

I actually msg'd him today and gave him the idea of the PH "Bolasterone". But not sure that is a reality to happen bc that stuff is virtually extinct

Please let's hear what you guys would like!!! THANK YOU