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Thread: TRT questions

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  1. #11
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    I was wondering if you were reffering to this post:
    "Now I know that majority of people who use AI to increase testosterone levels or because of high estrogen eventually end up with both low testosterone and low estrogen. Also guys who have been on TRT for years usually decrease AI dosage (to certain extent)."

    There I was talking more about long-term, this is observation I got from people who have been on TRT for a while or who were using AI as an TRT for a while- this effect hapens gradually as well. Anyway- 3 months is definitely OK.

    Other thing is- because you are planning to lose some fat, be aware that dieting can negatively affect testosterone levels, mostly its temporary affect- but dont do it for too long.

    I just saw some questions you asked earlier so I will add my opinion:
    "a) the longer you're on TRT, the harder it is to come off, and
    b) HCG injections would be absolutely necessary to maintain testicular function, no?

    and in another thread, i asked the question: would clomid long-term to boost testosterone cause body composition changes? I mean i know the changes would not be on par with AAS, but if a person had low testosterone and clomid boosted them to normal range, would that improve body composition given other factors like diet and workout were in order?"

    a) its not that harder but your testicles will (even with HCG) lose some functionality, and there is genetic ageing affecting HPTA- so usually people recover to somewhat less numbers, tough there are cases who recover to somewhat higher level
    b) yes, plus same as LH HCG stimulates production of few other hormones- for example if guys using HCG have too high progesterone usually it means that dosing is bit too high, also when usiong HCG its good to add pregnenolone as sometimes it gets depleted,

    Clomid should definitely have some positive effect on body composition (depending on many factors) and also clomid does have some positive effect on strenght- so that should have some effect
    Clomid increases total testosterone partly because it increases SHBG, I asume that testostosterone bind to SHBG cannnot pass blood brain barrier- hence we want "feel " a lot but some of later research suggest that even test. bind to SHBG has its own receptors and that at least some of it has its own destination
    Last edited by Jelisej; 08-05-2013 at 08:46 AM.

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