So, started my cycle last thursday. The goal is to hit a bodybuilding show in late Feb as a heavyweight. The hope is to hit around 250 (im aabout 230 now) before i start cutting, all the way down to 220
Currently, the plan is:

-Test Cyp (Pharma Grade) 400 mg/week (200 e2d in fact)
-Eq 600mg/week (300 e2d)
-HCG at 340mcg every other shot day (Comes to e4d)

Come cut time, things will change, couple of weeks before, I'll be switching to prop (which unfortunately will be UGL), probably sticking with the EQ, throwing some var in, but there are still a few variables

One of those is that I have 4g of trestolone acetate, and given the scarcity of logs and info, I'm not sure where and when to run it. Not sure I wanna be on it on stage, or if I wanna use it during the bulk... anyway, was planning an 8-10 week run. Might do a couple of weeks of an experimental run starting 2 weeks from now

On hand I have exemestane, tamoxifen, raloxifen, clomid... Nothing for prolactin aside from a half bottle of prolactrone, but I think that's about it.

Running same talos, fish oil, diet, water, bla bla bla lol

so for the initial questions: does my hcg schedule look decent? i kept forgetting last time around, so just figured it'd be easier to have it with a shot day.

What would you guys do as far as the trest?

Does my test look ok at 400 being that pharma might be a little more appropriately dosed?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, my bac water for the HCG is fukkin human grade! :P