I decided against my better judgment to give this methylsten/DMZ blend a try. Let me just tell you, it's by far the strongest DS to ever hit my system. I absolutely cannot handle this stuff at two capsules per day. It's such an overstimulated feeling that it triggers anxiety. Funny thing is, I don't have anxiety.

And the headaches, yeah, fairly severe. I've dialed it back to one capsule per day and I'm tolerating it, but it's still pretty strong stuff at the 10mg/10mg dose of one capsule.

For those curious, I'm running 500 IUs of hCG per week and using Aegis for liver protection. As harsh as a dual dimethyl compound is, even at four weeks, anything to minimize testicular shutdown is a good thing. I'm stacking with 4ad/1-andro and Dermacrine. The total cycle length is eight weeks, with Pro Gear only in weeks 1-4.

I've been on the Pro Gear for six days now. Workouts have been kind of "meh" as my body is adjusting to the compounds.

The upside is that my libido is in full swing. The downside is the headaches, overstimulation, anxiousness, and spacy feeling. We'll see how it treats me over the long haul. I've read good things about this DS, but I'm just not sure it's for me. Time will tell