Alright well i got into a little discussion at a BBQ i went to last night with a guy that goes to my gym and it eventually led to what supplenenbts he was taking. A little background info:
This guy is about 6ft 240lbs(not fat but defiantly not lean). He continued to brag about how he set records for in powerlifting for the 94kg weight class..Then he said he gave this guy i know some of "the best tren on the market". So i looked that tren up and it turns out that it was just "the best tribulus on the market" lol

Any way, i looked up the product he said he is taking and i couldn't find much on it, but here it is:
Serving size, 1 Cap: 15mg Max-LMG, 8 mg Cyanostane, 10 mg Epistane
13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)diene-17-one (Max LMG)
2-cyano-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-androst-3-one (Cyanostane)
2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol (Havoc/Epistane)

From the little that i know, LMG is nothing special and adds very wet gains, cyanostane is very weak, and the EPI is dosed extremely low.

Any input on the make-up of this product?