hello guys. After a recent 5 month run on raloxifene (with the last 2 months on letro as well) gyno has shrunk but still not gone. I believe it flared up when I was taking Trazodone relatively long-term for sleep, as that drug increases prolactin. near the end of the 5 months it seemed like raloxifene was losing its magic, that the tissue wasn't shrinking anymore. I have read that it can lose its efficacy for breast cancer as the cells become immune to it, so maybe that can happen for gyno as well. Since being off the ralox, I am kind of vacillating on whether it is getting worse.

My questions are these: in the absence of a stimuli, i.e. high estrogen, high prolactin, or aromatizing steroid (none of which are present in my system at the present) would gyno continue to grow? 3 bloodwork panels have revealed estrogen under 100 pmol/L, which translates into 27.25 pg/mL. those bloods were before letro or raloxifene, so my baseline estrogen is not elevated. and, how do I go about further reducing it? Since I believe it was prolactin-caused, would not prolactin reduction make sense? Weekend is big on prami, but I've heard bromocriptine as well can reduce prolactin. I have been taking 5g of mucuna powder, which according to 1 study reduces prolactin. but i don't want to muck up my results for an upcoming blood test. I am going to work with an endo on my hormones, as my test levels have consistently come back low.

I don't want to do any more suppressive compounds, right now or possibly ever again, so I am thinking of asking the endo for toremifene, seeing if it affects my hormones positively, then jumping on AndroHard or proviron. PCT would be toremifene. my understanding is that once gyno is 'ingrained' it can be hard to get rid of, but AH definitely helped it before.

anyway, any help you can provide would be appreciated.