Ok... so I can't help but chuckle at the title because at this point, if anyone is being affected by my usage of the pheromone infused Activ-8, it's other guys. To be fair, I have only worn it a few times... 5 maybe. A few times to the gym, and today while running errands (shopping, banking, etc). I have seen none of the "hair twirling" that Wesley keeps mentioning. I haven't noticed any women more interested in talking than usual. I have, however, noticed that some males approach me and are more talkative than they should be. Since I don't know most of these guys, I could not tell you their sexual orientation.

I'll keep trying it... but at this point it's sort of comical. You all have seen my pics and vids, so while I may not be a male model, I'm not the Elephant Man, either. So I don't think it has anything to do with being good or bad looking.

To be fair about all of this, my gym doesn't have a lot of women, so my female contact there is limited to a couple of cuties that work there and maybe one or two others who are working out.