I been doing a lot of reading lately, the only thing Ive done before was AHv3 an I ran that solo and next best thing these days would be Epi Andro or PN Epi Andro. I admit it was nothing amazing it did keep me lean, maybe If i do it again ill really zone in on my diet better ill have even better results

I turn 29 next month an I still bust ass in the gym, Im strong as shit an I do eat good but it seems like I just cant stay as lean as my younger days..............Im like a lean big guy who just cant get rid of this subcutaneous fat anymore (btw Scope75, Ive noticed your new avy, Im mirin). It sucks. Ive gotten down to 8% before naturally an my gyno looked a lot better but that was my early 20s now when I had more time an lot less responsiblities. I recently saw that thread on Raloxifene that has def sparked my interest (ive had gyno since puberty), maybe ill try that once I can cut down to legit visible abs again. A co worker told me to do Clen but honestly that shit seems scary.