Hi guys and gals,

I'm new to this forum and thought I'd share a bit about my training, as I'm getting ready to compete in my first show on October 4th, 2014!
I'll try to make as many posts on my diet as well, but eating is very difficult for me. Not that I have any kind of disorder (I LOVE FOOD!!!), it's just that all this training is messing with my appetite. I'll also be posting a list of my supplements

This post is meant for those looking for ideas on training. I'm also open to receive feedback from anyone on what else I can do. I AM NOT A CERTIFIED TRAINER. These exercises are what work for me but everyone's body is different and responds differently.

I'll start off by saying that it is not an easy journey to be on, but I still enjoy every second of it. I've been dieting and working out consistently for the past five months or so. I was originally going to compete on August 16th but decided I needed more time to perfect my body so that I was happy with it. I am, after all, my own worst critic. However, with the help of my gym partner/ coach, Miles, I'm seeing progress every day.

I guess I'll start off with what I trained yesterday, 7/15,14. Yesterday was chest day and it was pretty light. We (Miles and I) started off with some dumbbell presses. My first set was a warm-up set with 15lb dumbbells (this is a very light weight for me so I did 20 reps), second set I bumped the weight up to 20lbs and did 15 reps, third set moved up again to 25lbs, again doing 15 reps, and finally finished off the sets with 30lbs for 12 reps.

Next we did some floor presses using a smith machine. With my body flat on the ground, I started with a 10lb plate on each side for 15 reps, second set I pressed with 20lbs on each side for 15, and finished with a 25lbs on each side for another 15 reps.

Third exercise we did a tri-set of upper/middle/lower cable flys for three sets (I performed this exercise with the weight set at 20lbs).

Fourth exercise was incline chest flys with 15lbs, four sets of 15 reps.

And lastly we finished up with four sets of face pulls at 20lbs, super set with lat pull downs at 60lbs.