So I think I'm going to give epistane a try later this fall, stacked with dermacrine. I've read repeated great raves about this stack and been wanting to try it for a while. Been going with a keto style diet and seeing great results, want to give it a while longer then go for a solid recomp with this cycle in another month or two. Thing is I've only ever used DHEA based products (for the last 3-4 years) so this is a significant choice to me. Just looking for a little input and general advice from others' experiences regarding epi:

Some questions I can think of:

As far as brand, IBE vs RPN, or other? Cycle length and dose? (I'm thinking 20/30/40/40 or something similar, maybe extend to five weeks) Thoughts on pulsing? OTC PCT enough? Any other pointers?


32 yo, 6'00", 197 lbs, ~12% bf

Thanks for any input!