So I think I may finally have my wife on board with getting herself back on track with fitness. I'm looking for supplement suggestions that have worked for other guys wives/girlfriends that have seemed to work with a good solid workout routine. I believe I can help her with the workout routines but I don't know much about what's effective/safe for women to supplement with. Obviously hormonals are largely a no-no, but I am curious about something like 7 oxo and if that could be of benefit. Outside of that maybe certain herbal and/or nutrient supplements is what I'm looking for. She's wanting to drop all this money on meal replacement programs and shakes, but I can't help but think that may be all fad-diet stuff and feel there may be more cost-effective and smarter options.

A little background is that she has been a life long athlete, playing sports in high school and staying pretty fit through her twenties (we're both in our early 30s now). But after having our two kids and developing a hypoactive (underactive) thyroid, she has really struggled with weight in recent years. The thyroid issue is a big concern for her, she doesn't want to take anything that may negatively effect that further.

This will take time, and supplements are not a fix-all, I'm well aware of that, but again, I'm trying to support her the best I can and am actually pretty excited about getting her on board and using my own knowledge I've gained over the years to help her out too. Plus who doesn't want a fit wife?

Anyway, any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks!!