I'm making my annual pilgrimage to the land of the free and the home of the brave in December. Mostly to visit my 90 year old mom and other family. But it's also an oppty to get and bring back with me stuff that would be impractically expensive to ship separately and/or wouldn't get past customs except (usually) in my hand carry. Among the latter items, I'm thinking of some research chems. I essayed a trial run once thru GWP, but it got confiscated; but i think i can carry the stuff in w/out a problem. I am mainly interested in testing products on the trouser snake and the adipose tissue and musculature of the swole rat. I think i know what look for in the case of the former but would still appreciate views regarding competing suppliers/product specs. My test subject responded well to a 1 year run of relatively low dose hgh a couple years ago (but it was horribly expensive because of the relatively meager subsidy from the national health plan for a "non-essential treatment"); what peps would provide a similar effect? It also looks like there are a variety of peps and similar that target fat; recommendations?