Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
The new law basically did this:

1. Classified a list of popular (mostly methylated) prohormones as anabolic steroids and criminalized their use, possession and sale.

2. Classified the unnamed analogs and any other hormonal products marketed for the purpose of being anabolic or androgenic as such.

From what I've seen, the devil is in the marketing. If you sell DHEA and claim that it will enhance muscle growth or compare it to a steroid, you're breaking the law. But, on the other hand, if you sell it as something that's more accepted and generally recognized as safe, you're not * technically* violating the law.

A few caveats, though...

The FDA and DEA do what they want and when they want. No one has ever been safe in this game, ever, because they can do whatever the hell they wish. So, it begs the question, is it really any bigger risk now than it ever was?

Superdrol, Halodrol and a lot of the other popular designer steroids were technically orphan drugs and not dietary supplements. Anyone who sold any of that stuff at any time was at risk of a raid, or worse. There's always that risk in this game when you have a runaway government that selectively enforces laws as grey as the people selling potentially-prohibited products.

(The above statements were not legal advice. I am not a lawyer)
So if I am reading this correctly, if a person or persons as a supplement company were to make any of these supplements even declaring them as anti aging etc they are running a high risk especially if they are seen marketing it towards bodybuilders even if that marketing is simply word of mouth through forums, where X person says i got this result you should use it.

And by doing so they are putting their business, income, assets at risk since the new laws are likely to be more enforceable.
So for the fact of selling something which sounds good they are risking their entire business etc.

Sounds to me like if it happens whoever does it, is willing to risk too much. Especially if as you say the FDA just do what they like when they like.