So I am considering researching Tvar 90/90/100/120/120/120/120/120, Transdermal Trest Ace ~50/50/50/50/50/50/50/50
Would it be wise to use tudca or will a lesser support sup with NAC be okay?
I also can obtain epiandro, Msten, or any of the still available options.
I would like to reverse the damage done by a winter bulk, while maintaining as much weight as possible.
Have arimidex and arimistane, can pick up whatever else is suggested.
Caber or Prami for progesterone problems?
sns inhbit P on hand as well

I also can obtain clen and Ephedrine. Any suggestions? I am completely lost with cutting on cycle.

Should cals be kept at maintenance or reduced 500/day below maintenance?

Should rest periods be reduced while increasing cardio?

Test subject is really sick of carrying a >15% bf percentage.

Nolva, exem, daa, for PCT