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  1. #1
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    ostarine/epiandro stack

    So I received my Platinum Nutraceuticals Andro-300 today. I also just started my first ostarine run this week, I’m using Olympus Labs’ OSTAR1NE. I find ostarine intriguing but also kind of a conundrum, on paper it looks great but I’m curious how it actually delivers. I’ve read where it isn’t suppressive and where it is; that it raises estrogen and that it doesn’t; it can be used during PCT and that it shouldn’t; and so on… There seems to still be quite a bit of unknowns with this one.

    Here’s what I’ve lined out: Ostarine will be at 15 mg/day for 8 weeks. The topical epiandro will be started week 5 at 300 mg/day and continued until the conclusion at week 12. I believe there will be a good synergy between the two as they should both, in theory, be fairly mild on suppression and the epiandro will help with any potential elevated estrogen from the ostarine which can apparently potentially occur after about 4 weeks. A light PCT will follow consisting of topical sustain alpha and DAA, with maybe some tribulus or something thrown in.

    I’m really looking forward to the epiandro since this is my first time trying it in topical form. This will be on a cut, and I feel very optimistic since I have my diet really dialed in on this one. This won’t be a day to day log but I may give periodic updates and I fully intend on providing a detailed review at the end.
    Last edited by Strong_Guy; 02-05-2015 at 09:50 PM.

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