Quote Originally Posted by Crank92 View Post
Hi English and others,

I'm a 5AR victim too, although not via fin but Accutane.

I crashed on 1st Jan 2013 and have been left in a pretty bad state. I recovered from the psychological issues (anhedonia mainly), but sexual issues persevere and are worsening.

However, even prior to taking Accutane I was living healthy. I have been eating paleo for about 5 years. I weight train 3-4x/week with a focus on large compound movements, mainly squat and deadlift variations. I also compete in MMA so HIIT is incorporated extensively prior to competing.

My T levels have doubled, now up at top of range 26.8 (I forget the the units) on a scale of 8-28. Yet I still suffer.

I'm thinking of playing around with some pharmaceuticals considering my lack of luck with the more holistic route. I'm thinking AI's. Any thoughts?

Of note, tribulus and creatine in high doses make my symptoms worse.

I would be very interested in hearing others inputs, as I am a bit lost as what to do now.
Hi Crank92,

I took this quote from wiki:
"Isotretinoin's exact mechanism of action is unknown, but several studies have shown that isotretinoin induces apoptosis (cell death) in various cells in the body. Cell death may be instigated in the meibomian glands,[53][54] hypothalamic cells,[55] hippocampus cells[56][57] and—important for treatment of acne—in sebaceous gland cells.[58][59] Isotretinoin has a low affinity for retinoic acid receptors (RAR) and retinoid X receptors (RXR), but may be converted intracellularly to metabolites that act as agonists of RAR and RXR nuclear receptors.[4]"

My best advice is to study the mechanism in which accutane affected your body. Then learn about the feedbackloops it disrupted. From there, you might be able to come up with a protocol to reverse your symptoms. Myself, English, CDsnuts are more studied on Fin and 5a blockers. You'll need to become your own expert on Accutane and find others who have solved this problem.

BTW, since Accutane can cause cell death in organs like the Hypothalamus, the starting point for most/all hormones, you might want to take a look at Glandulars. Sometimes your body is able to use ingested organs of other animals for repair. This may or may not help but its another tool in your tool box now.